Robin Reid

Farm Management, Production Economics

Extension Associate
Kansas State University

Robin Reid is an Extension Farm Economist with the Agricultural Economics Department at Kansas State University. Robin works on a variety of economic topics including farm financial management, Women in Ag. programming, Farm Bill, and much more. Robin also helps manage the website and works with Extension Agents across the state to put on extension programs. Robin grew up on a farm in Wisconsin and earned a B.S. in Agricultural Business from UW-River Falls.  She also holds a M.S. in Agricultural Economics from K-State.


303A Waters Hall
Manhattan , KS  66506-4011
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Documents & Presentations by Robin Reid
Title Date Downloads
KSU-Income Statement

This spreadsheet includes a cash only and accrual adjusted income statement.  This was presented at the 2020 Farm Finanical Skills for Kansas Women in Ag series.

February 26, 2020
Farm Program Choices

K-State agricultural economist Robin Reid and Rich Llewelyn advise crop producers to start finalizing their decisions on which USDA farm program option they'll enroll in for 2019 and 2020 production, choosing either the Agricultural Risk Coverage or the Price Loss Coverage option. They remind about the helpful information at K-State's web site that producers can benefit from as they decide.

January 17, 2020
Farm Financial Skills for Women

Agricultural economist Robin Reid and farm analyst LaVell Winsor of K-State provide another reminder about the Farm Financial Skills for Women in Agriculture workshops coming up in January and February...a series of programs to be presented locally at 32 sites around the state, with the registration deadline coming up soon.

December 19, 2019
KSU-Beef Farm Management Guide Spreadsheet

An Excel spreadsheet for beef cattle enterprise budgeting to evaluate potential income, costs and profitability. 

December 18, 2019
KSU Swine Farm Management Guide Spreadsheet

An Excel spreadsheet for swine enterprise budgeting to evaluate potential income, costs and profitability

December 18, 2019
KSU Sheep Farm Management Guide Spreadsheet

An Excel spreadsheet for sheep enterprise budgeting to evaluate potential income, costs and profitability

December 18, 2019
KSU Dairy Farm Management Guide Spreadsheet

Excel spreadsheets for dairy enterprise budgeting to evaluate potential income, costs and profitability

December 18, 2019
Master List of Prices Used in Livestock Budgets December 18, 2019
Historical ARC/PLC Payments by County

This spreadsheet allows the user to compare payments from the ARC-CO program versus the PLC program for the 5 years of the 2014 Farm Bill in each county.

October 10, 2019
Calculating ARC and PLC Payment Yields

K-State agricultural economist Robin Reid talks about the opportunity for crop producers to update their USDA commodity program payment yields as they enroll in either the ARC or PLC programs in the months ahead. She has put together a new spreadsheet that producers can use to calculate their new program yields.

September 20, 2019