Precision Agriculture

Precision Ag and Technology Articles

Title Author Date Downloads
Cost Of Reliance On GNSS For Autonomous Cotton Harvest - Assessing Potential Vulnerability Of Autonomous Navigation Systems To A GNSS Outage July 9, 2024
Precision Agriculture in the Digital Era - Recent Adoption on US Farms

USDA Economic Information Bulletin No. (EIB-248). 

February 22, 2023
Ag Tech Adoption and Generational Characteristics: Benefit-Cost Analysis Revisited

Presented at: PrecisionAg Alliance, Fall Q3 2021 Virtual Meeting. 

September 23, 2021
Precision Ag Timeline


April 5, 2021
Interacting with the Next Wave of Farm Operators: Digital Agriculture and Potential Financial Implications October 26, 2020
Agriculturalists Use of Precision Agriculture Technology and Reliance on Mobile Devices October 22, 2020
The Old “Block” and Chain: How Farm Data Will Be Used on the Blockchain July 18, 2019
Distributed Ledger Technology Applied to Farm Data: Tracking Yield Monitor Data Changes With Blockchain July 3, 2019
How Quickly Do Farmers Adopt Technology? A KFMA Analysis May 30, 2019
Is Going Off the Grid Possible in the Age of Farm Data? September 27, 2017
Who Can Own Farm Data? September 26, 2017
Can Agricultural or Farm Data Be Considered Big Data? September 25, 2017
Farm Data: Ownership and Protections January 23, 2017
Kansas Farms Sequence of Information Intensive Precision Agriculture Technology Adoption in Bundles September 29, 2016
Value of Farm Data: Proving Damages Based on Trade Secret Protections June 27, 2016
Precision Agriculture Implications for Farm Management May 11, 2016
Precision Agriculture Data Impact on Farmland Values: Big Data in Ag April 22, 2016
Understanding Controller Setup for Accurate Liquid Application January 4, 2016

Precision Ag and Technology Podcasts and Videos

Title Author Date Downloads
Global Cost Assessment of GNSS Outage to Agricultural Productivity

Presented to "Space Environment Engineering and Science Applications Workshop" - Ionospheric Impacts: Precision Agriculture

Terry Griffin's presentation begins at 1:43:50. 

August 2, 2022
Interview With Terry Griffin-United Soybean Board

In this episode of the Tech Toolshed podcast, listen as Terry Griffin, professor of agribusiness at Kansas State University, discusses the future of ag tech and farm data from Farm Journal’s Ag Tech Expo. Connect with Terry on Twitter @spaceplowboy.

February 27, 2019
Agriculture Technology Podcast: Big Data With Terry Griffin June 21, 2018
Big Data Implications in Agriculture (Video) April 28, 2016
Terry Griffin on Soil and Big Data - Interview January 25, 2016