Allen Featherstone

Finance, Macroeconomics, Production Economics
Department Head, Professor, and Director of Master in Agribusiness program

Kansas State University

Allen M. Featherstone was appointed at Kansas State in 1986 and now serves as department head.  As a leading agriculture finance scholar, he has studied land markets, investment decisions, mergers in the financial services industry, the probability of agricultural loan default and loan loss severity, the influence of taxes on farmland, and alternative federal tax systems. His production economics research has investigated issues such as ground water allocation in irrigated crop production, comparison of returns under alternative tillage systems, the costs of risk, interactions of weather soils, and management on corn yields, analysis of the returns to farm equity and assets, and analysis of the optimizing behavior of Kansas farmers, examining the stability of estimates using duality, and examining the application of a new functional forms for estimating production relationships.

341B Waters Hall Manhattan , KS  66506
Phone: (785) 532-4441
Fax: 785.532.6925
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Documents & Presentations by Allen Featherstone
Title Date Downloads
Property Tax Calculations in Kansas

Breakout Session 7

October 10, 2024
17 - Understanding Wheat Basis in Kansas August 1, 2024
Agricultural Net Income Situation for Property Tax Calculations-Webinar Slides and Recording


April 17, 2024
4 - Agricultural Finance Situation August 1, 2023
Agricultural Finance Situation

Wednesday, August 23, 2023


August 1, 2023
12 - Global Livestock Production and Trade August 1, 2023
Allen Featherstone Named a Distinguished Professor

Allen Featherstone, K-State agricultural economics professor and department head, discusses being named a distinguished professor at K-State. He mentions important mentors and explains significant moments in his career.

May 8, 2023
Foreign Holdings of Kansas Farm Land May 8, 2023
Foreign Land Ownership

Today’s show begins with insight on foreign ownership of U.S. land with K-State Agricultural Economics department head, Allen Featherstone. Allen breaks down some of the concerns when it comes to foreign ownership of agricultural land, how this information is tracked, and some surprising data for Kansas.

April 18, 2023
Kansas Land Values and Ownership - Webinar Slides and Recording
Robin Reid: 2022 Kansas Land Values and Ownership Trends
Allen Featherstone: Foreign Investment and Land Ownership
April 5, 2023