Documents & Presentations by Ted Schroeder
Title | Date | Downloads |
U.S. Beef Demand Drivers & Enhancement Opportunities: A Research Report | June 1, 2009 |
U.S. Beef Demand Drivers and Enhancement Opportunities: A Research Summary (four-page KSU Fact Sheet) | January 30, 2009 |
Benefit Cost Analysis of the National Animal Identification System | January 1, 2009 |
U.S. Beef Demand Drivers & Enhancement Opportunities: A Research Summary | January 1, 2009 |
Lessons from Australia | January 1, 2006 |
Economic Impact of BSE Fact Sheet | May 1, 2005 |
Economic Impact of BSE on the U.S. Beef Industry | April 1, 2005 |
Valuing Market Hogs: Information and Pricing Issues MF-2644 | January 1, 2004 |
European Consumer Preferences for U.S. and Domestic Beef | May 1, 2003 |
Grid Pricing: Risk, Value of Information, and Management Implications | January 1, 2002 |