2024 Historical Budget Projections - Non-Irrigated Crops
Below are links to the historical crop budgets for Kansas. These budgets are a projection of returns and expenses at that particular point in time. THESE BUDGETS DO NOT REPRESENT ACTUAL RETURNS FOR THAT YEAR. In addition, the projected yields in the most recent budgets are best case yields for growing a crop. The projected yields do not represent historical crop yields. This use of best case yields is a change from some earlier K-State crop budgets where historical trend line yields were used for the budgets.
Also, prices for crops and input prices may not represent prices at the time the budgets were published. All budget prices are estimates of what the budget authors thought farmers might pay during the growing season or what farmers might receive for a crop during the marketing year.
For those readers looking for actual historic crop enterprise costs and returns, these are available from the Kansas Farm Management Association (KFMA) data (see https://www.agmanager.info/kfma/kfma-enterprise-reports). The KFMA enterprise reports are based on real farmer data and do represent the costs and returns for growing a crop during a particular year.
Questions: Gregg Ibendahl - 785.532-1018 or ibendahl@ksu.edu (link sends e-mail).
Updated 2024 Budgets (Spreadsheet)
Crop | Southwest | Northwest | South-Central | North-Central | Southeast | Northeast |