Allen Featherstone

Finance, Macroeconomics, Production Economics
Department Head, Professor, and Director of Master in Agribusiness program

Kansas State University

Allen M. Featherstone was appointed at Kansas State in 1986 and now serves as department head.  As a leading agriculture finance scholar, he has studied land markets, investment decisions, mergers in the financial services industry, the probability of agricultural loan default and loan loss severity, the influence of taxes on farmland, and alternative federal tax systems. His production economics research has investigated issues such as ground water allocation in irrigated crop production, comparison of returns under alternative tillage systems, the costs of risk, interactions of weather soils, and management on corn yields, analysis of the returns to farm equity and assets, and analysis of the optimizing behavior of Kansas farmers, examining the stability of estimates using duality, and examining the application of a new functional forms for estimating production relationships.

341B Waters Hall Manhattan , KS  66506
Phone: (785) 532-4441
Fax: 785.532.6925
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Documents & Presentations by Allen Featherstone
Title Date Downloads
Calculating Landlord Net Income and Kansas House Bill 2293

Excerpts from a recent webinar by professor and head of Kansas State University’s Department of Agricultural Economics, Allen Featherstone, regarding the process for calculating the landlord net income for property tax computations and when agricultural landlord net income may begin to fall, as well as discussion of  three scenarios and the possible impact of House Bill 2293, which was introduced – but not acted upon – in the last Kansas legislative session.

July 11, 2019
Agricultural Net Income Situation for Property Tax Calculations Webinar: Recording and Slides

Allen Featherstone discusses the process for calculating the landlord net income for property tax computations and provides information with regard to when agricultural landlord net income may begin to fall. Given net farm income, the divergence between use value net farm income and the net incomes received by farmers continues to be an item of discussion. There is also some discussion on looking at how net income would follow farm income if the eight year average of the eight year averages was modified. Leah Tsoodle assists with the information presented.

July 2, 2019
2. The Farm Financial Situation August 1, 2018
Managing Production Costs

K-State agricultural economist Allen Featherstone looks at Kansas farm profitability trends over the last few years, based on Kansas Farm Management Association numbers, as a harbinger of what that profitability may look like here in 2018...the main difference-maker in that profitability remains a producer's ability to effectively manage costs of production. 

January 22, 2018
Agribusiness Change Conference

K-State agricultural economist Allen Featherstone looks ahead to a special conference for agribusiness leaders to be hosted by K-State at the Olathe campus in mid-October, which will concentrate on navigating the changes in the agricultural economy....he shares some of the information he'll be presenting there on today's agribusiness climate. 

September 29, 2017
Credit Quality of Kansas Farms - 2016 Data Update June 27, 2017
Top 10 Considerations for Navigating a Struggling Farm Economy March 30, 2017
Ag Lenders Survey (Fall, 2016) December 22, 2016
Navigating a Struggling Farm Economy

Allen Featherstone and Mykel Taylor preview their upcoming workshops, and they offer financial and management tips to producers.

November 30, 2016
Kansas Ag Economy in 2016

Allen Featherstone uses KFMA data to identify trends in farm debt volume, debt repayment capacity, debt-to-asset ratios, land value expectations, and the ability of the USDA farm "safety net" to provide financial relief to producers amidst continuing low grain prices.

August 31, 2016