Glynn Tonsor

Livestock & Meat Marketing, Price Analysis

Professor & Extension Specialist
Kansas State University

Glynn Tonsor joined the K-State Agricultural Economics faculty as an Assistant Professor in March 2010. Tonsor’s current efforts are primarily devoted to a range of integrated research and extension activities with particular focus on the cattle/beef and swine/pork industries. His broader interests cover aspects throughout the meat supply chain ranging from production level supply issues to end-user consumer demand issues.

223 Waters Hall
Manhattan , KS  66506-4011
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Documents & Presentations by Glynn Tonsor
Title Date Downloads
Beef & Cattle Market Outlook K-State Ag Lenders Conferences. Garden City and Manhattan, KS. December 13, 2011
Beef & Cattle Market Outlook K-State Ag Profitability Conference. Wichita, KS. December 6, 2011
Impacts of Animal Well-Being & Welfare Media Coverage on Meat Demand American Meat Institute, Animal Care and Handling Conference for the Food Industry. Kansas City, MO. October 19, 2011
Economic Considerations in Beef Production Novartis Veterinary Meeting. Manhattan, KS. With Kevin Dhuyvetter. October 7, 2011
Beef & Cattle Market Outlook K-State Fall 2011 Calf Conference. Oakley, KS. September 28, 2011
Beef & Cattle Market Outlook K-State Stocker Field Day. Manhattan, KS. September 22, 2011
Situation Overview and Outlook for U.S. Agriculture Central National Bank Meeting. Lawrence, KS. With Brian Briggeman. September 15, 2011
Cattle Identification and Traceability: Implications for United States Beef Exports September 1, 2011
Economic Impacts of Evolving Red Meat Export Market Access Requirements for Traceability of Livestock and Meat September 1, 2011
Evaluating Cattle Cycles: Changes Over Time and Implications September 1, 2011