Gregg Ibendahl

Farm Management, Finance, Production Economics

Associate Professor
Kansas State University

Gregg Ibendahl joined the faculty in fall 2012. Prior to joining the faculty, he served as an associate extension professor at Mississippi State University.  Gregg works primarily in the areas of agricultural production and finance.  He utilizes Kansas Farm Management Association data to provide research and analysis on cropping systems, machinery, and financial trends.

216 Waters Hall
Manhattan , KS  66506-4011
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Documents & Presentations by Gregg Ibendahl
Title Date Downloads
Agricultural Production, Trade and Stocks in Ukraine | Diesel and Fertilizer Markets and Prices - Webinar Recording
Audio only: click HERE

June 22, 2022
Kansas Wheat Yield Outlook for 2022 - Week 22 June 6, 2022
Fertilizer Prices - A June Update June 6, 2022
Economic Forces Causing a Surge in Diesel Prices

K-State farm management economist Gregg Ibendahl breaks down the economic forces that have caused diesel prices to surge dramatically, and why there's such a price disparity between diesel and gasoline, as well as when that gap might narrow...this from a recent economic analysis he put together on diesel, gasoline and oil prices.

May 27, 2022
Diesel, Gasoline, and Oil Price Update - May 2022 May 24, 2022
Farm Debt Ratios

K-State farm management economist Gregg Ibendahl discusses his new analysis of debt trends on Kansas farms, based on over 45 years of Kansas Farm Management Association data. He compared debt-to-asset ratios over those years to the most recent ratio as an indicator of farm solvency, saying that while most farmers are in good shape right now, any major downturn in farm asset values could quickly become problematic for producers.

May 10, 2022
Debt Levels of KFMA Farms May 5, 2022
Upward Revisions to Kansas Net Farm Income

K-State farm management economist Gregg Ibendahl talks about the revision that he has made to his forecast on final Kansas net farm income for 2021, as well as his NFI projection for 2022...both have been adjusted upward because of substantial developments in the grain markets since he first forecasted those numbers back in January.

April 18, 2022
An Update to Net Farm Income Projections for 2022 April 13, 2022
Net Farm Income Trends From 2011-2020

K-State farm management economist Gregg Ibendahl reports on his new analysis of Kansas Farm Management Association net farm income trends from 2011 through 2020...he was interested specifically in negative net farm income patterns, and whether some farms' incomes are habitually "in the red"...he talks about his findings.

April 6, 2022