Gregg Ibendahl

Farm Management, Finance, Production Economics

Associate Professor
Kansas State University

Gregg Ibendahl joined the faculty in fall 2012. Prior to joining the faculty, he served as an associate extension professor at Mississippi State University.  Gregg works primarily in the areas of agricultural production and finance.  He utilizes Kansas Farm Management Association data to provide research and analysis on cropping systems, machinery, and financial trends.

216 Waters Hall
Manhattan , KS  66506-4011
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Documents & Presentations by Gregg Ibendahl
Title Date Downloads
KSU-Fertilizer Tool

An Excel spreadsheet to calculate which combinations of fertilizers will meet the nutrient requirements of a field, at the lowest cost. 

March 30, 2017
Top 10 Considerations for Navigating a Struggling Farm Economy March 30, 2017
KFMA Relative Expenditure Indexes March 30, 2017
KFMA Relative Expenditure Indexes March 3, 2017
USDA Expense Category Items February 24, 2017
Crop Fertilizer Price Trends

Gregg Ibendahl discusses his new study of those costs in overall production expenses. He has developed forecast for anhydrous ammonia prices for the 2017 crop production season and how they might affect the decision to plant corn or soybeans.

February 21, 2017
Predicting Fertilizer Prices February 16, 2017
Fuel Prices

Gregg Ibendahl looks at where diesel and gasoline prices may be headed in 2017, and whether farmers and ranchers might advance-price their fuel needs.

February 2, 2017
Gasoline Prices for 2017 January 26, 2017
Diesel Fuel Prices for 2017 January 23, 2017