Gregg Ibendahl

Farm Management, Finance, Production Economics

Associate Professor
Kansas State University

Gregg Ibendahl joined the faculty in fall 2012. Prior to joining the faculty, he served as an associate extension professor at Mississippi State University.  Gregg works primarily in the areas of agricultural production and finance.  He utilizes Kansas Farm Management Association data to provide research and analysis on cropping systems, machinery, and financial trends.

216 Waters Hall
Manhattan , KS  66506-4011
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Documents & Presentations by Gregg Ibendahl
Title Date Downloads
A Preliminary Estimate of 2020 Kansas Net Farm Income May 22, 2020
What’s Going Down With Oil Prices April 24, 2020
Oil and Energy Market Analysis
Audio only: click HERE

April 22, 2020
Crude Oil Futures Reach Record Lows

K-State agricultural economist Gregg Ibendahl and Dan O'Brien talk about the unprecedented drop in crude oil futures yesterday, trading in the negative for the first time ever, and the repercussions of historically low oil prices for agriculture...they look at what this run of low petroleum prices means for farm fuel and fertilizer costs, and why it's unlikely that grain futures prices would ever reach negative levels.

April 21, 2020
Grain Markets, Planting Intentions, and Crop Cost of Production
Audio only: click HERE

April 3, 2020
Crop Production Revenue

K-State agricultural economists Kevin Herbel and Gregg Ibendahl talk about their new analysis of Kansas crop production revenue in 2019, based on Kansas Farm Management Association data...they look each of the four main cropping enterprises in the state, concluding that this past year was generally profitable for crop producers.

February 7, 2020
A Preliminary Estimate of 2019 Enterprise Profitability February 6, 2020
Net Farm Income Trends

K-State agricultural economist Gregg Ibendahl discusses another economic analysis he put together, this time comparing Kansas net farm income trends over the last 10 years, from the "good years" early in the decade to the "bad years" later on. He says the numbers resemble the years preceding the farm economy crisis of the 1980s.

January 15, 2020
Farm Debt in Kansas

Gregg Ibendahl talks about his new analysis of the farm debt situation, using Kansas Farm Management Association data to identify trends in the extent of debt incurred by farmers currently...the findings tell him that producers need to be evaluating their debt status very carefully right now.

January 7, 2020
A Comparison of Net Farm Income in Kansas - Good Years vs Bad Years December 23, 2019