

KSRN Radio Interviews

Title Author Date Downloads
Agricultural Technology and Productivity Growth

K-State agricultural economists Beth Yeager and Terry Griffin share highlights from a presentation they've prepared for an upcoming symposium being hosted by the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City in May:  they've pulled together information on how agricultural technology and the use of data will affect agricultural productivity growth in the future, based on their extensive research on technology adoption trends on the part of producers.

April 6, 2021
Pandemic Assistance for Producers

Robin Reid and Farm Service Agency program specialist Todd Barrows explain what producers can expect from the Pandemic Assistance for Producers initiative and what they need to do to get it.

April 1, 2021
Economic Overview

K-State agricultural economist Brian Briggeman offers his take on what's happening with the general economy at present, and the signals that agricultural producers should particular, he looks at the Federal Reserve Board's decision this week to keep interest rates at current levels, and at the potential for inflation in the economy and what that would mean for the agricultural sector.

March 19, 2021
International Grain Market Update

The senior economist with the IGP Institute at K-State, Guy Allen, offers his monthly perspectives on the international grain market scene, following the USDA's latest world grain supply-and-demand report...he talks about the general tightness in global corn and soybean stocks, the growing demand for wheat as a feedgrain, and the latest take on China's grain demand.

March 11, 2021
Time to Make Program Changes

K-State farm economist Robin Reid talks about the circumstances that might lead crop producers to make last-minute changes in their ARC/PLC selection for 2021 crops. She points to the concerns about the state of the winter wheat crop, as well as worries about a dry growing season for row crops, as the catalyst for possibly reconsidering one's ARC/PLC election, and she goes over what the numbers say about which is more beneficial.

February 25, 2021
Grain Farm Expenses

K-State farm management economist Gregg Ibendhal covers his brand-new analysis of Kansas grain farm expenses trends. He used 42 years of Kansas Farm Management Association Data to identify trends in machinery, seed, fertilizer and herbicide, interest payments, and other expense categories. He says this is a good indicator of where producers should concentrate their cost management.

February 25, 2021
New Decision Tools for Producers

K-State agricultural policy specialist Jenny Ifft talks about new tools from K-State that will help crop producers assess the two relatively new coverage options they can consider for the 2021 production year:  the supplemental coverage option and the enhanced coverage option...these tools provide useful information as the deadline for enrolling is coming up soon.

February 24, 2021
Plant-Based Proteins and Beef Demand

K-State livestock economist Glynn Tonsor tells of a brand-new study he co-authored, which investigated the impact of plant-based protein products on consumer demand for beef in the U.S. This was done by way of a national survey, and it measured the preferences of traditional meat consumers and alternative diet consumers In general, beef scores very well in the majority of the findings.

February 18, 2021
Fertilizer Price Projections

K-State farm management economist Gregg Ibendahl shares his just-released projections on fertilizer prices for the 2021 crop production year...he uses an economic model he developed a couple of years ago, based on the direction of corn and oil prices, that he says are better predictors of fertilizer prices than natural gas prices.

February 17, 2021
World Grain Report

Guy Allen takes a deep dive into the USDA's latest world grain supply-and-demand report released this week. He talks about tightening wheat, soybean and corn stocks in the U.S. and globally, and the expected impact of South American new-crop supplies coming onto the market, and lends his perspective on China's demand for grain imports, largely fueled by its expanding livestock production sector, and how long that demand might be sustained.

February 11, 2021
2021 Net Farm Income Projections

K-State farm management economist Gregg Ibendahl discusses his just-released early projections on net farm income in Kansas for 2021, based on Kansas Farm Management Association data...within that, he talks about the outlooks on yields, prices, production expenses and government payments he used to come up with this income forecast.

February 9, 2021
Oil Price Trends

K-State farm management economist Gregg Ibendahl offers his outlook on oil price trends in 2021, and the ensuing impact on the gasoline and diesel prices that farmers will be dealing with...he says that the rate that those prices increase will depend on how quickly the oil industry recovers from the market damage caused by the pandemic.

February 3, 2021
Farmer Cooperative Grain Storage

The director of the Arthur Capper Cooperative Center at K-State, Brian Briggeman, talks about trends in farmer cooperative grain storage in Kansas, based on a new survey of cooperative indicates the degree of cooperative consolidation in the state over the past few years, and the simultaneous growth in grain storage capacity...he talks about the factors behind those trends.

February 2, 2021
Spring Crop Insurance Decisions

K-State agricultural policy specialist Jenny Ifft looks at the factors affecting row crop producers' crop insurance decisions this spring, and how two new options might figure in:  the supplemental coverage and enhanced coverage options. She reviewed these alternatives in a K-State Risk-and-Profit session this week.

January 29, 2021
US Macroeconomy Update

K-State agricultural economist Brian Briggeman talks about the state of the U.S. macroeconomy moving into 2021, and the associated outlook on interest rate trends. He suggests that farmers and ranchers may have an opportunity to capitalize on the expected economic conditions this year, with potential for operational investment and growth.

January 22, 2021
Global Grain Market Update

The senior economist with the IGP Institute at K-State, Guy Allen, offers his latest perspectives on the global grain market, following the USDA's monthly world grain supply-and-demand report released this week. He talks about where the U.S. is currently positioned internationally, with the greatest emphasis once again being on China's demand for feedgrains and oilseeds.He also looks at what's happening on the world wheat production and export front, and where the U.S. stands in that market.

January 14, 2021
Helpful ARC/PLC Tradeoff Spreadsheet Updated

K-State agricultural economists, Robin Reid and Rich Llewelyn, announce that the updated version of K-State's ARC/PLC Tradeoff Spreadsheet is now available to crop producers. It provides county-by-county estimates on the likely price support levels from either the USDA Agricultural Risk Coverage or Price Loss Coverage program options.

January 12, 2021
Futures Hedging for Livestock Producers

K-State agricultural economist Brian Coffey talks about futures hedging as a livestock risk management tool...he'll be presenting information on using options for that purpose during a special K-State Risk and Profit session online this Wednesday.

January 11, 2021

Recent Videos

Title Author Date Downloads
The Global Agricultural Landscape - Feeding More than 9 Billion People - Part 1
Audio only: click HERE

June 11, 2020
Analysis of the IHME COVID-19 Forecasting Model - June 9 Update
Audio only: click HERE

June 10, 2020
Beef Demand Considerations - In-Depth Perspective of Domestic and International Demand

For webinar recording and future webinars:

June 10, 2020
How Resilient Is the US Meat Supply Chain?

View Recording HERE

June 5, 2020
Agriculture Today - Grain Markets - June 5, 2020
Audio only: click HERE

June 5, 2020
Managerial Tools and Tips in an Uncertain Climate and Market - Webinar

Glynn Tonsor provides information for a webinar by the K-State Animal Science and Industry Department. 

Watch video of presentation Page

June 4, 2020
A Dynamic View of World Population Growth 1950-2100
Audio only: click HERE

June 4, 2020
Analysis of the IHME COVID-19 Forecasting Model - June 2 Update
Audio only: click HERE

June 3, 2020
Analysis of the IHME COVID-19 Forecasting Model - May 26 Update
Audio only: click HERE

May 27, 2020
Ethanol and Biodiesel Market Trends and Profitability Through May 22 2020
Audio only: click HERE

May 27, 2020
Direct Payments to Ag Producers - Coronavirus Food Assistance Program (CFAP)

Webinar Questions and Answers

Audio only: click HERE

May 22, 2020
2019 Kansas Farm Income Report and 2020 Farm Income Projections
Audio only: click HERE

May 22, 2020
Analysis of the IHME COVID-19 Forecasting Model - May 19 Update
Audio only: click HERE

May 19, 2020
More on the Grain Markets
Audio only: click HERE

May 15, 2020
Troubleshooting Uncertain Times in the Beef Industry

Glynn Tonsor provides information for a webinar by the K-State Animal Science and Industry Department. 

May 14, 2020
Distributions to the Supply Chain and Its Impact On The Grains Market

May 14, 2020
Analysis of the IHME COVID-19 Forecasting Model - May 12 Update
Audio only: click HERE

May 12, 2020
More on Livestock Markets - Webinar
Audio only: click HERE

May 8, 2020

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