

KSRN Radio Interviews

Title Author Date Downloads
ARC-PLC Selection Tool

K-State agricultural economist Robin Reid reports on her updated analysis of the returns to participating in either the Agricultural Risk Coverage or Price Loss Coverage programs on grain production here in 2022...the deadline for making any changes in one's ARC/PLC selection is March 15th, and she highlights the on-line tool she has created for producers to size up that choice.

January 6, 2022
Farm Risk Management Training

From K-State's Department of Agricultural Economics, LaVell Winsor and Robin Reid put out a reminder about the upcoming informational sessions on Risk Management Skills for Kansas Women in Agriculture, with the first session slated for next week...they go over the key topics that these will cover and how these will benefit those who participate.

January 4, 2022
Why US Wheat Export Business is Lagging

The senior economist at the IGP Institute at K-State, Guy Allen, talks about the latest USDA world grain supply-and-demand numbers, and the implications for international grain trade:  he specifically highlights what's going on with wheat, and why U.S. wheat export business is lagging and he looks at rising interest in canola and sunflowers in the international oilseed market.

December 15, 2021
An Analytical Tool to Help Farm Families

From the Farm Analyst program at K-State, LaVell Winsor talks about the opportunity for farm families to use this program to assess the financial state of their operations, and to come up with a plan for addressing areas of concern or for actually expanding the operation...the program uses a time-tested analytical tool that provides answers for producers.

December 13, 2021
New K-State President Talks Agriculture

The dean of the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences at North Carolina State University, Richard Linton, who in February will become the next president at Kansas State this first segment, he talks about his background as a food scientist and administrator at three other leading land-grant universities, which he says has helped prepare him for a top leadership role at a land-grant institution; and the great stock he puts into the land-grant foundation of teaching, research and Extension. He also discusses his immediate-term and long-term aspirations for the university in service to agriculture and rural Kansas; the need for infrastructure upgrades in support of agricultural research and outreach as a priority at K-State; and the potential research and education collaboration he foresees between K-State and the National Bio- and Agri-defense Facility. 

December 9, 2021
Risk Management Skills for Kansas Women in Agriculture

K-State agricultural economist Robin Reid and LaVell Winsor of K-State's Farm Analyst Program have the details on the upcoming series on Risk Management Skills for Kansas Women in Agriculture...weekly sessions at over 30 locations around the state covering production cost management, crop insurance decisions, crop marketing plans and government farm programs, with an optional session on cow-calf risk management. 

December 3, 2021
Flinchbaugh Ag Policy Chair

K-State agricultural economist Allen Featherstone reports on a recent fundraising achievement that has created the Barry Flinchbaugh Chair in Agricultural Economics:  this will support a variety of education and scholarship opportunities in the area of agricultural policy, not only for students, but for elected officials and other policy makers as well...and may eventually establish the Flinchbaugh Center for Agricultural Policy at K-State along with a high-profile lecture series in the name of the long-time national leader and educator in agricultural policy. 

November 30, 2021
2022 Kansas Crop Budgets

K-State farm management economist Gregg Ibendahl discusses the new set of K-State crop budgets that will be available later this week for you producers to use in planning your 2022 crop production...he talks about how these budget numbers serve as a guide to the likelihood of profitability from a given crop, broken down by region of the state...he also notes how recent sharp hikes in input costs have been factored in.

November 10, 2021
Pasture Risk Insurance

K-State risk management specialist Jenny Ifft discusses how the USDA's Pasture, Rangeland and Forage Insurance coverage works, and its performance as a risk management tool for livestock producers in times of drought. The deadline for enrolling in PRF coverage for 2022 is December 1.

November 9, 2021
Kansas Cattle Feeding and Processing Readiness

K-State precision agricultural economist Terry Griffin and visiting researcher Enil Serrano from Zamorano Agricultural University in Honduras talk about their current study of the Kansas cattle feeding and processing industries and how well they would function in the event of a major natural disaster...whether they are prepared to keep beef moving to consumers and what bottlenecks might occur.

November 8, 2021
Farm and Ranch Transition

K-State farm economist Robin Reid talks about a new service that the K-State Department of Agricultural Economics will be launching at the first of the year...the Office of Farm and Ranch Transition:  it will provide various forms of advisory assistance to retiring producers and beginning farmers in successfully facilitating the succession of a farm or ranch operation.

November 1, 2021
Impact of Economic Inflation on Agriculture

K-State agricultural economist Allen Featherstone discusses the current concerns over economic inflation in the U.S. and what it means for the agricultural sector, particularly when it comes to the outlook on interest rates...he also talks about what the stock market is saying about the duration of this inflationary trend.

October 29, 2021
The Anatomy of Cooperatives

The director of the Arthur Capper Cooperative Center at K-State, Brian Briggeman, and the chief executive officer of the Kansas Cooperative Council, Brandi Miller, reflect on the state of agricultural cooperatives in Kansas as another crop production year comes to a close, and they go over the seven principles by which cooperatives operate. 

October 26, 2021
Special Podcast - Grain Market Outlook Forum

A recording of a special Grain Market Outlook Forum that was held as part of the Commodity Tailgate event at Kansas State University on Saturday, October 16, at the International Grains Program Center on the campus.  It featured:

K-State agricultural economist Allen Featherstone on the macroeconomic forces at work currently and their impact on the grain markets.

The senior economist with the IGP Institute at K-State, Guy Allen, commenting on the current dynamics of international grain trade and some of the issues at hand, including extremely high overseas shipping rates.

K-State grain market economist Dan O’Brien, discussing domestic grain supply and demand factors presently influencing grain prices afforded to producers.

October 16, 2021
KSU Cow-Calf Budget Tool

K-State agricultural economist Robin Reid talks about trends in cow-calf production costs in Kansas, based on Kansas Farm Management Association data...and she directs producers to a very helpful tool called the KSU Detailed Cow-Calf Budget, for analyzing an operation's potential income, costs and profitability.

October 11, 2021
County ARC-CO Payment Rates Determined

Robin Reid discusses the USDA Agricultural Risk Coverage program payments soon to be disbursed to crop producers for 2020 crop production...she reports that the county ARC payment rates have now been determined, and are posted by way of an interactive map that can be found at She also talks about the ARC-PLC market price projections for 2022 crop production, and how that information can be useful to producers as they plan for the ARC-PLC sign up next spring.

October 6, 2021
Technology and Farm Life

K-State precision agricultural economist Terry Griffin and co-researcher LaVona Traywick of the Arkansas Colleges of Health Education talk about their latest study of precision farming technology adoption...this time, they centered on how the use of technology relates to farmer quality of life, as well as the human capital on the farm or ranch...they say this information can be useful in technology investment decisions.

September 28, 2021
Cattle Marketing and Price Discovery

K-State agricultural economists Ted Schroeder, Brian Coffey and Glynn Tonsor discuss their just-released analysis of price discovery in the cattle markets, which was commissioned by the USDA: this in-depth study looked at the impacts of formula marketing agreements as they have evolved over the past two decades, as compared to the cash negotiated cattle trade. They came up with a set of recommendations on improving the flow of price information to cattle producers and throughout the beef production and marketing chain. 

September 21, 2021

Recent Videos

Title Author Date Downloads
Agriculture Today - Grain Markets - September 10, 2021

September 10, 2021
Agriculture Today - Grain Markets - August 27, 2021

August 27, 2021
Agriculture Today - Grain Markets - August 13, 2021

August 13, 2021
Agriculture Today - Grain Markets - July 30, 2021

July 30, 2021
Agriculture Today - Grain Markets - July 9, 2021

July 9, 2021
Agriculture Today - Grain Markets - July 2, 2021

July 2, 2021
Agriculture Today - Grain Markets - June 25, 2021

June 25, 2021
Agriculture Today - Grain Markets - June 4, 2021

June 4, 2021
Agriculture Today - Grain Markets - May 28, 2021

May 28, 2021
KFMA 2020 Summary Farm Income Results and Projections for 2021 Net Farm Income in Kansas - Webinar
Audio only: click HERE

May 26, 2021
Agriculture Today - Grain Markets - May 21, 2021

May 21, 2021
Property Valuation of Ag Land in Kansas - Webinar
Audio only: click HERE

May 19, 2021
Agriculture Today - Grain Markets - May 14, 2021

May 14, 2021
Kansas Farm Land Values Webinar
Audio only: click HERE

May 12, 2021
US and International Grain Market Outlook and Strategies for 2021 - Webinar
Audio only: click HERE

May 10, 2021
Agriculture Today - Grain Markets - May 7, 2021

May 7, 2021
Agriculture Today - Soybean and Wheat Markets - April 30, 2021

April 30, 2021
Agriculture Today - Feedgrain Markets - April 29, 2021

April 29, 2021

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