Leah Tsoodle

Documents & Presentations by Leah Tsoodle
Title Date Downloads
Agricultural Landlord Net Income Under Alternative Tax Computation Methods - An Update April 29, 2020
Pasture Leasing Report

K-State agricultural economist Leah Tsoodle goes over some of the key findings of the new 2019 Pasture Leasing Arrangements in Kansas report, based on a statewide survey of landowners and tenants on the particulars of pasture lease agreements. She covers some of the trends commonly found in the state.

March 25, 2020
2019 Pasture Leasing Arrangements In Kansas March 13, 2020
Agricultural Landlord Net Income Under Alternative Tax Computation Methods February 13, 2020
Kansas Bluestem Pasture Report

The director of the Land Use Survey Center at K-State, Leah Tsoodle, talks about the just-released 2019 Kansas Bluestem Pasture Report, a biennial survey of management practices in the Flint Hills region of Kansas which serves as a benchmark for pasture rental rates and other aspects of grazing management in the state.

July 2, 2019
Input Cost Survey in Kansas February 20, 2019
2017 Irrigation Equipment Cost Survey in Kansas January 22, 2019
2017 Irrigated Farm Leasing Arrangements in Kansas April 26, 2018
Methodologies and Data Sources Used in Determining the 2016 Calendar Year Landlord Net Rental Income for Pasture and Rangeland for the Agricultural Land Use-Values April 17, 2018
Methodologies and Data Sources Used in Determining the Landlord's Share of 2016 Calendar Year Net Returns for Irrigated Cropland for the Agricultural Land Use-Values April 17, 2018