Rich Llewelyn

Farm Management, Grain Markets, Production Economics, Technology

Extension Assistant 
Kansas State University

Rich Llewelyn organizes extension conferences including the annual Risk and Profit Conference, Ag Lenders Conferences, Kansas Insurance Workshop, and Kansas Income Tax Institutes. He also maintains the website and provides extension outreach in farm management, leasing and Excel. In the spring, Dr. Llewelyn teaches the undergraduate course, Commodity Price Analysis.

303 Waters Hall
Manhattan , KS  66506-4011
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Documents & Presentations by Rich Llewelyn
Title Date Downloads
Federal Monetary Policy October 15, 2018
Risk and Profit Conference Preview

K-State Extension assistant in agricultural economics Rich Llewelyn looks ahead to the 2018 Risk and Profit Conference at K-State, which will provide participants with cutting-edge information on farm and ranch economics and management, including over 20 breakout sessions where K-State researchers will get into an array of important contemporary topics.

July 18, 2018
Risk and Profit Conference

K-State extension assistant in agricultural economist Rich Llewelyn passes along the details on K-State's 2017 Risk and Profit Conference coming up in mid-August, which will focus in part on agricultural policy issues in advance of the forthcoming congressional work on the 2018 Farm Bill. 

July 27, 2017
Corn Marketing and Price Update

Presented at 2017 Corn School, Olathe, KS. 

January 13, 2017
Ag Lenders Conference

Rich Llewelyn previews the early October meeting which will focus on the financial credit challenges facing lenders and producers during the agricultural economy slump.

September 14, 2016
Potential Use of Gross Revenue Insurance on Beef Farms in Southeast Kansas August 28, 2015
Potential Use of Gross Revenue Insurance on Beef Farms in Southeast Kansas August 28, 2015
Adjusted Gross Revenue-Lite on Beef Farms: Model Documentation December 16, 2013
Days Suitable for Field Work in Kansas by Crop Reporting Regions July 1, 2013
Risk Analysis of Converting CRP Acres to a Wheat-Sorghum-Fallow Rotation in Western Kansas February 1, 2010