Finances and the Farm- Online Class



Seven Lessons: Recordkeeping, Balance Sheet, Income Statement, Enterprise Budgets, Cash Flow,
Goal Setting and Managing Family Living Expenses


This self-paced course can be taken for education-only, or to fulfill FSA borrower's requirements. 

You have six months from registration to complete. 

The course includes 4 hours of material across 26 different videos.

Participants will:

  • Understand the structure of a balance sheet, income statement, enterprise budgets, and cash flow
  • Choose either Cattle/Crops or CSA/Farmer’s Market case farm to complete quizzes to check understanding and practice using these financial statements in a real-world setting
  • Be prepared to use financial management techniques for your own operation
  • Set goals for your operation
  • Learn how to make changes to avoid financial difficulties


  • $300 for Farm Service Agency Borrower's training credit class. 
  • $100 for education only. 

This course is approved for FSA borrower's training credits for Kansas residents AND Colorado, Illinois, Iowa, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Wyoming. Coursework will be graded, and a certificate will be provided upon successful completion of the final exam.

Taught by Robin Reid, K-State Extension Farm Economist, and LaVell Winsor, K-State Farm Analyst


REGISTER - Education Only $100

REGISTER - FSA Borrower Training - $300




Dates & Location
Friday, October 31, 2025


This is an on-going course. There is no deadline. Participants have six months from registering to complete the course. 

PDF icon Class Flyer1.76 MB

This material is based upon work partially
supported by USDA/NIFA under
Award Number 2021-70027-34694.