Ukraine-Russia Conflict - Agricultural Ramifications


Outlook of Grain and Oilseed Markets in the Context of The Russian-Ukrainian War: Expectations vs. Reality - Antonina Broyaka

September 2024 Update

Russia’s war in Ukraine significantly affected world grain markets: structure, supply channels, prices. However, despite the war, Ukraine continues to maintain a leading position in  world agricultural exports, ensuring global food security. Due to the ongoing war, the situation is fragile and fluctuates greatly.  A systematic review of real-time data helps correct crop and trade estimates for agricultural commodities to better adapt to changing market conditions. The updated outlook of the world and Black Sea grain and oilseed markets will be provided at the webinar.

Via Zoom - No fee, but registration required. 
(If you are unable to attend the live meeting, recordings of the presentations will available the following day).

Dates & Location

Online - Zoom

Online - Zoom Online - Zoom

Questions: Rich Llewelyn - (link sends e-mail)

Kansas State University is committed to making its services, activities and programs accessible to all participants. If you have special requirements due to a physical, vision, or hearing disability, contact Rich Llewelyn, (link sends e-mail), or Director of Affirmative Action, Kansas State University, (TTY) 785.532.4807. K-State Research and Extension is an equal opportunity provider and employer. Issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension Work, Acts of May 8 and June 30,1914, as amended. Kansas State University, County Extension Councils, Extension Districts, and United States Department of Agriculture Cooperating, J. Ernie Minton, Director.

For more information, contact Rich Llewelyn at (link sends e-mail)



Questions: Rich Llewelyn - (link sends e-mail)