Membership Information
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Read the terms of the Kansas Society of Farm Managers & Rural Appraisers membership below. After reading the membership terms click on the Application above, print out a copy and fill it out and send it in.
Applications need to be sent to the Secretary, Ray Bartholomew, at 4107 S. Obee Road, Hutchinson, KS 67501.
Make checks payable to Kansas Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers.
The Kansas society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers is an organization of professional people who are engaged in or have an interest in some phase of farm management and/or rural appraisal work. Membership is composed of people from the following professional groups: farm management consulting companies, insurance companies who make agricultural loans, bands engaged in agricultural lending and farm management services, real estate agencies, Farm Service Agency, Farm Credit Services, Kansas State University farm management and rural appraisal personnel, self-employed rural appraisers and farm managers, county appraisers and others.
The primary objective of the organization is two-fold: (1) to provide professional training in farm management and rural appraisal and (2) to provide a means of communication for persons associated with farm management and rural appraising.
Two official meetings of the Kansas Society are held each year – a Winter Meeting at Kansas State University and a Summer Meeting at some location in the state. Each of the meetings are devoted primarily to educational topics. Other special educational seminars and schools are held each year based on informational and educational needs of Kansas Society FMRA members. The Society also has a farmland sale data program in which members contribute farmland sale data from the various counties. The sale data are then made available to members at a reasonable cost.
Annual dues of $75 are payable to Kansas Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers. Mail to the Secretary, Ray Bartholomew, at 4107 S. Obee Road, Hutchinson, KS 67501.
Code of ethics Membership Sections Code of Ethics
The following Code of Ethics is considered a part of the professional standards of this Society and all members are to subscribe to and abide by it.
1. It is unethical to represent conflicting interests; except by express consent of all concerned given after a full disclosure of the facts to both a buyer and seller of a commodity or service.
2. It is unethical to accept employment without first disclosing all previous and present relationships that may have been had with the property or case.
3. It is unethical to issue a report or an appraisal without fully disclosing any interest, present or contemplated, of the maker, his associates or those concerned in having it made.
4. It is unethical to make reports or appraisals in more than one section or division, thus making it possible to use one part in a manner contrary to the facts. When more than one report is necessary to reveal all essential features, this fact should be shown on both the original and supplementary reports.
5. It is unethical to make an appraisal or report under conditions so adverse that it is impossible to secure all pertinent and essential facts.
6. It is unethical to reveal the contents of reports, appraisals, or any important facts in regard to the business f a client, unless release from this obligation is obtained from the client or by due process of law. Releases should be in writing.
7. Hypothetical appraisals and reports should be avoided but if and when made should clearly, completely, and prominently state any hypothesis assumed and fully describe all existing conditions.
SECTION II – Membership
Note: text in BLUE are recommended changes to be approved at the winter meeting.
- Regular membership classifications are as follows:
- Farm Manager - Those persons devoting the major part of their time to the management of farms or ranches belonging to others, either as professional or private managers and having adequate training and experience or have such experience for at least two years or more.
- Appraiser - Those persons devoting the major part of their time to the appraisal of real property and having adequate training and experience or have such experience for at least two years or more.
- Crop Consultant - Those persons devoting the major part of their time to crop consulting of farms or ranches belonging to others, either as either as professional or private consultants and having adequate training and experience or have such experience for at least two years or more.
- Educator - Those persons devoting the major part of their time to working at the college or university level in farm management and/or rural appraisal as teachers, research, or extension workers, or administrators and supervisors in the private sector who have held such positions for two years or more.
- Agricultural Lender - Those persons working in lending institutions devoting the major part of their time to providing financial credit for agriculture, who are interested in supporting the objectives of the Society and have such experience for at least two years or more.
- Allied Field Those persons who cannot meet the requirements of the other membership classifications but who are interested in supporting the objectives of the Society and are able because of their position or nature of their work in allied fields to contribute to the advancement of the Society.
- Student Member – those so designated by the ASFMRA in their Membership screening and acceptance process
- Honorary Life Membership - Those who have made outstanding contributions in professional farm management and/or rural appraisal or in other related agricultural fields may be accorded Honorary Life Membership by the Board of Directors; or if a member in good standing and upon turning 80 years of age shall automatically be designated Honorary Life Members.
- Each member of the Society shall be subject to re-classification as the nature of his work may change. The membership shall be kept currently classified in accordance with the preceding membership categories.
- Admission
- Application for membership shall be to the Secretary on a form approved by the Board of Directors. This form shall provide for a listing of the applicant’s qualifications and at least three references, at least one of whom shall be a Society member.
- Completed applications shall be submitted to the Membership committee who shall review the applications and pass their recommendations to the Board for final action.
- The Secretary shall notify all applicants as to the final action taken on their petitions for membership.
- Individuals who have earned and been granted membership to the American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers by officials at the ASFMRA headquarters in Denver shall automatically be granted membership to the Kansas Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers based on their membership application to the ASFMRA. Providing at least three references with the application shall not be a requirement under this form of entry to membership. The appropriate classification of KSFMRA membership will be based on the ASFMRA’s classification of membership.