Ukraine-Russia Conflict - Agricultural Ramifications - Presentations

Ukraine-Russia Conflict - Agricultural Ramifications

Risk and Profit Online Mini-Conference Presentations

Title Author Date Downloads
Outlook of Grain and Oilseed Markets in the Context of The Russian-Ukrainian War - Webinar Slides and Recording


September 18, 2024
Agricultural Production and Foreign Trade in the Black Sea Region - Webinar Slides and Recording


May 23, 2024
Current Trends and Prospects for the New Season in the Black Sea Agricultural Markets - Webinar Slides and Recording


April 24, 2024
Ukraine Agriculture and Trade | Fuel and Oil Prices - Webinar Slides and Recording
Part 1: Ukraine Agriculture and Trade - Antonina Broyaka
Part 2: Outlook for Diesel Fuel and Oil Price - Gregg Ibendahl
February 21, 2024
Grain Production and Trade in the Black Sea Region / Grain Markets Situation and Outlook - Webinar Recording and Slides
Grain Production and Trade in the Black Sea Region - Antonina Broyaka
Grain Markets Situation and Outlook Dan O'Brien and Guy Allen
December 6, 2023
Update on Black Sea Ag Markets and Energy and Fertilizer Markets - Webinar Recording and Slides
Update on Black Sea Ag Markets - Antonina Broyaka
Energy and Fertilizer Markets - Gregg Ibendahl
September 20, 2023
Current Challenges of Black Sea Grain Markets - Webinar Recording and Slides

July 27, 2023
Current State of Black Sea Grain, Legumes and Oil Markets - Webinar Recording and Slides


June 7, 2023
Trends and Challenges for Black Sea Ag Markets and International Grain Market Trends and Impact of Geopolitical Conflict - Webinar Slides and Recording
Black Sea Ag Markets - Antoninia Broyaka
International Grain Markets - Dan O'Brien/Guy Allen
April 26, 2023
Ukraine Agriculture in Wartime: March 2023 Update - Webinar Slides and Recording


March 8, 2023
Ukraine Agriculture in Wartime 2022-2023; and Fuel and Fertilizer Update - Webinar Slides and Recording
Antonina Broyaka: Ukraine Update AUDIO ONLY
Gregg Ibendahl: Fuel and Fertilizer Update AUDIO ONLY
January 18, 2023
Ukraine Update and Grain Markets Heading Into 2023 - Webinar Slides and Recording
Antonina Broyaka: Ukraine Update: AUDIO ONLY
Dan O'Brien and Guy Allen: Grain Markets: AUDIO ONLY
December 8, 2022
Ukraine and Wheat Market Update - Webinar Slides and Recording

October 26, 2022
Ukraine Update and Grain Market Update - September 2022

September 21, 2022
Ukraine Update and Vegetation Signals and Conditions - Webinar Recording
Audio only: click HERE

July 19, 2022
Agricultural Production, Trade and Stocks in Ukraine | Diesel and Fertilizer Markets and Prices - Webinar Recording
Audio only: click HERE

June 22, 2022
Ukraine Update
Audio only: click HERE

May 26, 2022
Ukraine-Russia Update: Planting Progress, Stocks and Transportation
Audio only: click HERE

May 2, 2022