
Displaying 961 - 970 of 3933
April 25, 2018 Land Buying and Valuing
   Kansas State University Department of Agricultural Economics (Publication: AM‐MRT‐2018.2)   … state, there is very little publicly available information people … land sold through typical market channels and does not include …
August 9, 2016 Breakout session presentations
in the areas of a) grain market supply- demand analysis … strategies, b) grain industry market structure, conduct and performance … amp; Other online sources o Public information (via the Web …
July 1, 2011 Financial Management
Management Factors: What is Important, Prices, Yields, Costs, or Technology Adoption?  Kansas State University Department of Agricultural Economics (Publication: AM‐KCD‐2011.3)   … section on how farm size and marketing abilities affect net incomes … varieties, and commodity market trends can alter production …
February 24, 2014
Expand My Herd? Livestock Marketing Information Center Data Source … Expansion Yr-over-Yr … are concerned about open-market availability Should I …
November 7, 2019
“Like” OFFERINGS “MARKET SHARE” OF ALTERNATIVE PROTEINS • … • Barclays puts global market share @ 10% over next decade … 2018/Jan 2019 (N=1,30) Market share projections • All …
September 24, 2020
ongoing Scientific ability changes Public acceptance & preferences … Professional Cattle Feeding & Marketing Shortcourse February 10-12 … Findings report-congress-how-did-it-affect-producers Agricultural …
January 18, 2013 Leasing Papers and Presentations
Surveys ask for an opinion (read: guess) – NOT a market‐based estimate  – … Can we add to the available information and  improve our estimates of land value trends? Kansas Land Values • Need market transaction data – Property Valuation Department, Topeka • … Model doesn’t capture other factors in market – Expected returns to …
March 7, 2014
beef lbs – Very current marketings & limited calf crop • … Overview: Cow-Calf Livestock Marketing Information Center Data Source … levels – …
2020 Risk and Profit Conference Presentations
“Prolonging the agony and potentially building up [farm] losses instead of cutting the pain, cauterizing the wound and stanching the flow of financial blood now” Modern agricultural credit markets• Almost everyone that *sells something* to farmers sells credit too• …‐reports‐solutions/agricultural‐finance/‐us‐agriculture‐lending‐gap/559142/‐content/uploads/2020/03/American‐AgCredit‐2019‐Annual‐Report.pdf‐reports‐usa‐farmers‐lending‐insight/wall‐street‐banks‐bailing‐on‐troubled‐u‐s‐farm‐sector‐idUSKCN1U618F‐economy/farm‐sector‐income‐finances/highlights‐from‐the‐farm‐income‐forecast/ Nontraditional finance: what do we know? Share of loans  …
Price Risk Publications
Hedging in the futures market with options is much like buying … meet margin calls if the market moves against the option … sell at $2.70, while the market is trading at $2.60, so the …