
Displaying 931 - 940 of 5317
September 18, 2012 Risk Management Strategies
Department of Agricultural Economics, K-State Research and Extension …
May 21, 2013 Risk Management Strategies
Department of Agricultural Economics, K-State Research and Extension …
January 5, 2018 Grain Market Outlook, Variable Storage Rates (VSR)
Variable Storage Rate or “VSR” calculations for the CME Kansas City Hard Red Winter Wheat futures  contract have begun.  The Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) provides an ongoing daily record of  how VSR calculations are progressing for the MARCH 2018 to MAY 2018 futures contract spread in  comparison to what the CME calculates to be “Financial Full Carry” for wheat in storage.  Following is a statement from the CME regarding the Variable Storage Rate mechanism and its  application:  “The Exchange will implement the VSR mechanism with an initial observation period beginning on  December 19, 2017 and ending on February 23, 2018, evaluating the 2018 March – May KC HRW  Wheat calendar spread relative to financial full carry with any changes to the storage rate effective on  March 18, 2018. The storage rate will remain at 19.7/100s of one cent per bushel per day until the  VSR mechanism triggers a change to the storage rate.  At which point the storage rate will become  either 16.5/100s of one cent per bushel per day if the storage rate is triggered down or 26.5/100s of  one cent per bushel per day if the storage rate is triggered up. The seasonal storage rate currently in  place for the Contracts will be suspended in lieu of the VSR mechanism, meaning the rate of 19.7/100s  of one cent per bushel per day will remain in place until triggered up or down by the VSR mechanism.”  These VSR Calculations for both Kansas City HRW Wheat futures and Chicago Wheat futures are  available at the following web address:‐and‐oilseed/variable‐storage‐rate.html  These preliminary VSR calculations with the MARCH‐MAY 2018 KC HRW Wheat futures spread  running at an average of 90.40% of Financial Full Carry for the December 19, 2017 through January 4,  2018 period would indicate that the CME will be increasing its storage rate used in the VSR  calculation. Of course, the long term average through February 23, 2018 will provide the final  determination of whether such changes are made.  This potential storage rate increase would be from the starting value of $0.00197 /bu/day ($0.0591  /bu/30 days) up to $0.00265 /bu/day ($0.0795 /bu/30 days) for the March‐May 2018 period on  wheat delivered against the MARCH 2018 CME KC HRW Wheat futures contract.  Note that the CME Chicago Wheat futures carrying charge is currently at $0.00365 /bu/day ($10.95  /bu/30 days), and that the running average percent of full carry for Chicago wheat is only 51.42% for  the same period.  Following are the KC HRW Wheat futures VSR calculations for through Thursday, January 4, 2018  with added formatting from Kansas State University Extension Agricultural Economics: …
July 23, 2024 Grain Market Outlook
Weekly, through July 15, 2024; $/gallon Source: Trading Economics,   Retail Diesel & Gasoline Prices Weekly Continuous Chart: April 5, 1993 through July 15, 2024 $ / g allo n Diesel$3.826 /gal7/15/2024 $3.826$3.614 Gasoline$3.614 /gal7/15/2024 1.8 …
October 22, 2020 Precision Ag and Technology Articles
Department Of Agricultural Economics Extension Publication 10/22/2020 … Department Of Agricultural Economics … Department of Agricultural Economics October 2020 Abstract …
November 15, 2015 Water Policy
Department of Agricultural Economics at Kansas State University … 3 Section IV – Economic Results … area. In order to extend the economic life of the aquifer and maintain …
July 1, 2019 KFMA Research
Department Of Agricultural Economics Extension Publication 06/30/2019 … Department Of Agricultural Economics … Department of Agricultural Economics Elizabeth A. Yeager ( …
March 9, 2011 Energy
Department of Agricultural Economics, Kansas State University … Department of Agricultural Economics, Kansas State University … of those inputs generates economic activity in the region. Inputs …
March 1, 2012 KFMA Newsletters
Department of Agricultural Economics Kansas State University … Department of Agricultural Economics Kansas State University … Department of Agricultural Economics Kansas State University …
August 1, 2010 KFMA Newsletters
projects that have limited economic viability in the long-run … interest. Garrett described the economic bubble that occurred in … and the Austrian School of Economics. In addition to sponsoring …