
Displaying 901 - 910 of 6689
Place Government Payments CropInsurance Misc. Income Average Price …
Place Government Payments CropInsurance Misc. Income Average Price …
Grain Sorghum
Place Government Payments CropInsurance Misc. Income Average Price …
June 4, 2015 Agribusiness Papers
non-performing loans for the crop sectors of corn and soybeans … vendor finance companies and insurance companies. Each institution … the non-performing loans by crop industry sector. Expectations …
June 30, 2016 Commodity Program Papers
  Art Barnaby (   Kansas State University Department of Agricultural Economics ‐ June 2016‐MYA.pdf     …
June 22, 2017 Land Use Value Research, Land Rental Rates
management, and liability insurance.             Page | 2     … bluestem grass and cover crops. When pasture stocking …
May 16, 2022 Ag Law Issues
employee portions of Federal Insurance Contributions Act (FICA … shareholder/employee in a crop farming operation could differ …
November 3, 2023 Ag Law Issues
governmental authorities, insurance companies, credit unions … maintenance and harvesting a hay crop on the leased ground. By …
Farm Type
Crop Irrigated (16 FarmsCrop Non-Irrigated (59 Farms) Income … Forage15 55,9035,663 Other Crop16 968,645 Government Payments17 … Payments17 27,80646,180 Crop
Farm Type
Dairy (5 Farms)Crop Non-Irrigated (176 Farms) Income … Forage15 7,85633,134 Other Crop16 3,655 Government Payments17 … Payments17 20,09518,989 Crop