
Displaying 91 - 100 of 187
June 26, 2012
Percent 2011 = 35.3 Million Head LivestockMarketing Information Center Data … JANUARY 1, 2012 (1000 Head) LivestockMarketing Information Center Data …
March 6, 2015
Forecasts (2/24/15) Sources: Livestock Slaughter - USDA/NASS; Steer … USDA/NASS; Steer Prices - USDA/AMS LivestockMarket News; Projections and Forecasts … Forecasts (2/24/15) Sources: Livestock Slaughter - USDA/NASS; Steer …
August 1, 2019 General Sessions
1988=100) All-Fresh … 1988=100) Since … 2014-19 Data Source: USDA-NASS Livestock
August 1, 2023 General Sessions
OUTLOOK Take‐Home Summary 1.Supply Dynamics Supporting Higher Cattle Prices  2.Consumer Meat Demand Mixed To‐Date in 23’ Quarterly Forecasts … LMIC: 8/16/23) Data Source:  Livestock Marketing Information Center % Chg …
August 1, 2023 2023 Risk and Profit Conference Recordings
OUTLOOK Take‐Home Summary 1.Supply Dynamics Supporting Higher Cattle Prices  2.Consumer Meat Demand Mixed To‐Date in 23’ Quarterly Forecasts … LMIC: 8/16/23) Data Source:  Livestock Marketing Information Center % Chg …
Breakout Sessions
first-hand knowledge with livestock production, Glynn has expertise … food safety, and price risk management and analysis. Abstract/Summary … Compiled and Analysis by LMIC Livestock
August 28, 2013
Sep Percent Avg. 2007- 11 2012 2013 G-NP-30 08/19/13 LivestockMarketing Information Center Data Source … Sep Percent Avg. 2007- 11 2012 2013 G-NP-31 08/19/13 Livestock
August 1, 2021 General Sessions
LMIC: 8/10/21) Data Source:  Livestock Marketing Information Center % Chg … LMIC: 8/10/21) Data Source:  Livestock Marketing Information Center Live … 2021 Data Source:  USDA‐AMS Livestock Marketing Information Center C-P-5408/09/21 135 145 155 165 175 185 195 205 JAN …
August 9, 2012
drought has magnified cattle market impact compared to 2011 … Per Cow C-P-66 08/02/12 LivestockMarketing Information Center Data … 2012 $ Per Cow C-P-66 03/21/12Livestock
August 21, 2014
Compiled and Analysis by LMIC LivestockMarketing Information Center National … Compiled & Analysis by LMIC LivestockMarketing Information Center ERS …