
Displaying 91 - 100 of 192
July 18, 2012 Cash Prices & Marketing Strategies
grains … Future Patterns of U.SGrains, Biofuels, and Livestock … 2012 Future Patterns of U.SGrains, Biofuels, and Livestock …
April 17, 2023 Recent Videos
grain … of Subsoil Short-VS 61% of Wheat Poor to VP Copyright © … rights reserved. Preharvest Marketing Plan OUTLINES Developed by Ed Usset, University of Minnesota Simple …
March 2, 2009 Cash Prices & Marketing Strategies
Falling 56% 59% U.S. Corn Stocks/UseU.S. Corn Stocks/Use% vsvs PricePrice 1973/74 … Yrs Yrs (Feb. 10, 2009 USDA WASDE)(Feb. 10, 2009 USDAWASDE) $4.20 $3.04 $2.00 $2.42 $3.24$3.21$3.12$3.02 … Falling 56% 59% U.S. Corn Stocks/Use% vs Price …
October 2, 2014 Grain Market Outlook
…  Department of Agriculture (USDA) released its Quarterly Grain  Stocks and Small Grains 2014 Summary reports from … …
Breakout Sessions
wheat … Black Sea Region in World Wheat ExportMarkets Dan O’Brien Daniel … O’Brien was raised on a grain and livestock farm in south …
July 29, 2019 Grain Market Outlook
1 | P a g e Soybean Market Commentary KSU Ag Economics … July 28, 2019 1) Soybean Market Overview The USDA reduced … reduced its projection of U.S. soybean planted and harvested …
January 13, 2017 Grain Marketing Presentations
marketing … 2017 Corn School Corn Marketing and Price Update Olathe … Current Situation • Low grain prices, due primarily to …
August 1, 2024 Breakout Sessions
grain … Russia’s invasion of Ukraine on grain and oilseeds production and international trade Antonina BroyakaExtension Associate of Agricultural Economics Department,Kansas State University  PhD in Economics, Associate Professor from Ukraine   OUTLINE:  • … Does the war affect world grain markets?  • Current state of  …
January 25, 2022 Grain Marketing Presentations
market … Key Dates Coming Up re: Grain Markets • January 12th – USDA A … USDA Annual Crop Summary, WASDE, Stocks, Wheat Seedings • February 9th …
January 22, 2020 Grain Marketing Presentations
market … 2020 Soybean Market Outlook Atchison, Kansas January … AGRICULTURAL ECONOMIST 2020 Soybean Market Outlook Marysville, Kansas January …