
Displaying 731 - 740 of 6689
August 12, 2014 Commodity Program Presentations
Rights Reserved8/18/2014 1. Cropinsurance is a “premium cost” share … no transfer of cash from cropinsurance to farmers unless there is … a claim. 3. In most years crop
January 30, 2024 Land Buying and Valuing
book are consistent with Crop Reporting Districts used … priced a portion of their crops before prices fell. In addition … prices fell. In addition, crop
March 12, 2020 Grain Marketing Presentations
destined for SW Kansas livestock feeders, Ethanol‐Processing Plants, or Export Terminals U.S. Grain Production Regions SouthwestDurum WheatForagesOther Crops The Corn Belt Corn, Soybeans … NorthwestWhite WheatOther Crops SoutheastCorn & SoybeansCotton Atlantic …
June 7, 2016 Risk Management Strategies
  Art Barnaby ( and Robin Reid (   Kansas State University Department of Agricultural Economics – June 7, 2016     … prices for spring planted crops will not be final until …
Breakout Sessions
Abstract/Summary Short-dated crop options provide a shorter … and soybeans. Short-dated crop options offer enhanced hedging … ShortShort--Dated New Crop OptionsDated New …
February 1, 2008 Water Policy
Assumptions on Irrigated Crop Production … 4 1. Crop Mix … Assumptions on Nonirrigated Crop Production …
January 28, 2015 Agribusiness Papers
spring.  Livestock and crop sectors headed in two different … non-performing loans increased for crops, mainly corn and soybeans … vendor finance companies and insurance companies. Each institution …
March 25, 2015 Grain Marketing Presentations
“DRIVERS”  A large 2014 U.S. corn crop & higher end stocks caused … U.S. corn planted acres & crop development boost prices … spring-summer period? CORN FUTURES & CROP
June 24, 2024 Recent Videos
Herbicides, Fuel, Repairs, Cropinsurance, Interest, Labor (hired & … reserved. Began Jan 1: Buy cropinsurance to protect production risk …
September 14, 2016 KFMA Research, Family Living Expenses - Articles
production information such as crop acres and yields. In addition … contributions, doctor, health insurance, lifeinsurance, auto expense, utilities … furniture, auto, gifts, life insurance, home repairs) while 8 categories …