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December 1, 2015 KFMA Newsletters
As I write this, there are piles of grain on the ground in many areas of the state, market prices for grain below the cost of  production, uncertainty in the tax laws as we plan for the end of the year, reduced working capital and eroding debt  repayment capacity for many farms... all part of the current agriculture management environment.  These are also  reminders to each of us of the importance of careful planning and consideration as management decisions are made.  Those of us working within the KFMA program and in the Agricultural Economics Department greatly appreci …
December 1, 2011 KFMA Newsletters
Department of Agricultural Economics Kansas State University … Department of Agricultural Economics Kansas State University … the Extension Agricultural Economics website: …
January 1, 2011 KFMA Newsletters
Department of Agricultural Economics Kansas State University … Department of Agricultural Economics Kansas State University … the Extension Agricultural Economics website: …
April 15, 2015 Risk Management Strategies
Department of Agricultural Economics, K-State Research and Extension …
November 18, 2013 Risk Management Strategies
Department of Agricultural Economics, K-State Research and Extension …
September 18, 2012 Risk Management Strategies
Department of Agricultural Economics, K-State Research and Extension …
December 19, 2014 Risk Management Strategies
Department of Agricultural Economics, K-State Research and Extension …
July 14, 2014 Risk Management Strategies
Department of Agricultural Economics, K-State Research and Extension …
May 31, 2013 Risk Management Strategies
Department of Agricultural Economics, K-State Research and Extension …
July 27, 2012 Risk Management Strategies
Department of Agricultural Economics, K-State Research and Extension …