
Displaying 671 - 680 of 6689
February 1, 1999 Land Rental Rates
OF AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS Crop producers in Kansas and Texas … basis outweigh the benefits. Crop land is typically rented … ways: (1) cash rent, (2) crop share, or (3) cash/share …
October 8, 2020 Recent Videos
early Oct. for 2019/2020 crop marketing year ������� �� ���� � � … ��� PLC payments for 2019/2020 Crop Marketing Year 2019/2020 MYA … 0.00 PLC payment = PLC Payment Rate * Established Farm Level Yield with FSA * 85% of base acres for that crop* 5.9% budget sequestration ������� �� ���� � � …
September 12, 2022 Ag Law Issues the-grat.html Captive Insurance – Part One https://lawpro … CaptiveInsurance – Part Two https://lawpro …
June 14, 2023 Recent Videos
Depreciation, Interest, Taxes & Insurance  Variable Costs: Utilities … rights reserved. Began Jan 1: Insuring at 80%; Including 80%of APH … rights reserved. Began Jan 1: Insuring at 80%; Including 80%of APH …
February 4, 2016 Grain Marketing Presentations
the remaining 2015 Grain Crops? 2) Likely 2016cropinsurance coverage prices & revenue … protection issues? 3) 2016 Crop production plans – Acres …
employees •Top heave rules •Insure lower paid employees receive … birth •See chart PG 35 Primary Insurance Amounts (PIA) • Sum of … expectancy?•Does individual have health insurance? S Corporation Shareholder …
August 1, 2017 Breakout Sessions
74,2534) Investment in Growing Crops  $45,563 $30,375 $37,9695) Crops Held for Sale and Feed  … 2,938,018 Income Statement Farm Business Receipts:1A) Crop Cash Sales …………………………………………………………… …
August 12, 2016 Breakout session presentations
government commodity programs, cropinsurance and public policy. In 2016 … several research projects on cropinsurance issues and their impacts …
August 11, 2016 Grain Market Outlook
effective and efficient crop revenueinsurance programs and wheat marketing … profitable decisions in regards to crop enterprise selection and … a) large amounts of 2016 crop wheat have been delivered …
April 11, 2022 Recent Videos
reserved. Objective: Buy cropinsurance to protect production risk … efficiency of inputs (note: cropinsurance asks us to follow BMP’s).• … reserved. Objective: Buy crop