
Displaying 661 - 670 of 3933
March 1, 2009 KFMA Newsletters
the losses in the mortgage market. Key factors leading up … dried up in some financial markets resulting in severe financial … Samuel Gregg and published in Public Discourse, an online …
July 8, 2016 Land Rental Rates
cost per acre often used is market custom rates. Custom rates … time spent checking fields, marketing). Research indicates that … rent-to-value ratio times market land value is only appropriate …
December 20, 2017 KFMA Newsletters
economy is moving sideways in market prices, and producers face … producers face a price- taking market so they must control expenses … in 2012 and due to hail or marketing that same farm could be ranked …
November 24, 2023 Management
Agricultural Economics Extension Publication 11/17/2023 K-State … lower-bound estimate using publicly available national and … Agricultural Economics Extension Publication 11/17/2023 …
February 1, 2008 KFMA Newsletters
and Lease 6,161 Fees, Publication, Travel 2,242 Vet Medicine … Drugs 2,327 Livestock Marketing and Breeding 3,994 … 17,481 Crop Storage and Marketing 710 Real Estate Tax …
August 22, 2019 Grain Market Outlook
have been questions from the public on why FSA planted acreage … 15/acre payment from the Market Facilitation Program if they … to receive the full 2019 Market Facilitation Program (MFP …
May 1, 2003 Assessing Business Opportunities
Agricultural Economics Agricultural Marketing Resource Center Kansas … related to the Agricultural Marketing Resource Center. He may … assumptions about management, markets and customers. Although …
Breakout Sessions
Street Journal and other publications. He served as Associate Editor … the 1980s. The housing market has experienced declines … Links to the farm crisis ƒ Land market took 5 years to work through k …
December 1, 2016 Financial Management
Agricultural Economics Extension Publication 12/01/2016 … thrown on already depressed markets … Agricultural Economics Extension Publication 12/01/2016 …
March 1, 2014
Depreciation should be a market-based depreciation as opposed … costs of production or a market value (i.e., opportunity … INFORMATION: See accompanying publication: Here Developed by: Copyright …