
Displaying 641 - 650 of 6689
February 1, 2012 KFMA Newsletters
21,734 Total Acres 2,127 1,856 1,216 Crop Labor Percentage 68.91 … herbicide and insecticide, cropinsurance, machinery, labor, land … net return group had more crop acres, more non-irrigated …
December 14, 2017 Risk Management Strategies
sequestration cuts or for crops planted on non-base acres … estimated ARC payments based on cropinsurance county yields, but the Risk …
November 1, 2008 KFMA Newsletters
years are used. Disability Insurance Social Security also provides … many private disability insurance policies require. To qualify … supplying some disability insurance along the way. It is extremely …
February 17, 2022 Farm Profitability
herbicides, interest, labor, cropinsurance, cash rent, and other. Other … not allocated correctly. Cropinsurance is one example as it was …
August 9, 2023 2018 Farm Bill
received October 2023 for the crop harvested in 2022, where … estimating 2022 county-level crop yields. These will not be … only a small amount of a crop’s acres …
June 8, 2016 KFMA Research
receives for that year’s crop. Acrop share lease is defined in … input costs and the resulting crop (usually in the same proportion … proportion). The basic idea of a crop share lease is that yield …
November 10, 2016 2016 Crop Insurance Workshop Presentations
2016 Crop Insurance Meetings Brush, CO – … Continued lower commodity prices ◦ crops and livestock  Current breakeven values showing losses ◦ … Other (full‐time labor, land payments, cash rents,  insurance, real estate taxes) Agriculture …
January 15, 2016 Grain Marketing Presentations
Marketing the remaining 2015 Corn Crop 2) Likely 2016cropinsurance coverage prices & revenue …
September 18, 2017 Risk Management Strategies
paid on 85% X base acres X crop share). The wheat price … the Area Risk Protection Insurance (ARPI) program on April … all counties, even for one insurance contract. I am sure that …
April 13, 2022 Farm Profitability
12,408 Other crop … Ad hoc pmt - Crops 70,738 52,387 … 44,389 - Crop ins proceeds 27,630 …