
Displaying 61 - 70 of 219
November 1, 2012 Mandatory Country of Origin Labeling
ginseng, and macadamia nuts (Link, 2009). MCOOL for fresh … controversial nature of the policy, a range of pre-MCOOL economic … as they become …
August 2, 2018
apply under their insurance policy. The rest of this article … costs or custom rates; see link to Shrinking Your Forage …
August 1, 2021 Breakout Sessions
alf of global ethanol (25 billion) produced in US.Government policies.Energy Policy Act of 2005 (EPA)• … Non‐irrigated parcels receive a 6.3% premium.   Ethanol Plant Benefits • Previous studies link ethanol production growth to higher agricultural commodity prices– …
2021 Risk and Profit Conference Recordings
alf of global ethanol (25 billion) produced in US.Government policies.Energy Policy Act of 2005 (EPA)• … Non‐irrigated parcels receive a 6.3% premium.   Ethanol Plant Benefits • Previous studies link ethanol production growth to higher agricultural commodity prices– …
September 1, 2010 KFMA Newsletters
relative reference is a link to a cell a certain number … resource management, tax and policy issues, risk management … Producers from U.S. Ethanol Policies”. The purpose of the …
February 9, 2024 Crop Insurance Papers
levels allowed for individual policies, but only pay out based on … Risk Coverage (ARC). SCO policies cover expected revenue (or … level of the underlying policy up to 86%. Use of SCO is …
July 1, 2011 Animal Well-Being
implementing any mandatory labeling policies.2 … 7, 2011 announcement (and links to UEP and HSUS websites … effort to guide future policy discussions (including those …
Breakout Sessions
agricultural and environmental policies. His previous research has … alternative water conservation policies, and the production effects … graduate course on agricultural policy, and a graduate team- taught …
August 18, 2014 Risk Management Strategies
T-yield plug. Under current policy, in any year when a farmer’s … was suggested. Under this policy, it requires the county yield … is no change from current policy. The Congressional Budget …
September 1, 2005 LRP Insurance
endorsement to the insurance policy necessary to provide coverage ƒ … that is covered by the policy Definitions ƒ Coverage … of protection provided by policy on a dollar per cwt basis ƒ …