
Displaying 541 - 550 of 6689
April 2, 2015 Risk Management Strategies …
August 1, 2018 Breakout Sessions
Know what you need2) Surely Insure?3) Write it down4) Safekeeping5 … 1,505 Doctor/Medical $3,740 Health Insurance $7,361 Life Insurance $3,557 NF Auto expense … do you need access to?  *3 months?*6 months?*1 year? Fill out the cost for YOUR home in the handout of BASIC NECESSITIES you might need in a disaster. Different disasters might have different needs (shelter vs repairs) depending on the severity.   There’s an Insurance for that… Are you covered??? House:DwellingPersonal …
June 24, 2019 Grain Market Outlook
… llowing is the USDA forecast of U.S. corn supply‐demand balances and prices for the  “new crop” 2019/20 marketing year.  1 … USDA Forecast – 13.680 billion bu. (bb) Crop, $3.80 /bu (20% probabili …
April 13, 2020 Ag Law Issues
becomes another possible crop for commercial production … with the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, Financial Crimes … the production of other crops due to the effect of the …
October 1, 2019 2019 Crop Insurance Workshop Presentations
Horticulture  Title XI: CropInsurance  Title XII: MiscellaneousCropInsurance, 9% Commodities, 7% Conservation …
November 5, 2014 Risk Management Strategies
missing county yields for some crops in some counties in the FSA … T-yield is not the same as the cropinsurance T-yield. 2. The OSU-KSU … year’s yield from their crop
June 1, 2015 KFMA Newsletters
groups shown in Figure 1 are crop farms and noncrop farms. Nearly two-thirds … farms are considered to be crop farms and the other one-third … the other one-third are non-crop farms. The non …
May 17, 2019 Grain Market Outlook
… hel from $3.60 in February down to $3.50 per bushel in the May WASDE  report.   Crop revenue insurance coverage levels are an a … …
April 17, 2018 Land Use Value Research
Productivity Index (KIPI), crop mix, yields, prices, landlord’s … prices, landlord’s share of crop, landlord’s share of expenses … on the cost of irrigating crops in Kansas. Fuel pumping …
Breakout Sessions
futures, options, and/or cropinsurance, other ways farmers can manage … farmers’ willingness to grow crops for biofuel is a section … about the farming operation; cropping practices, biofuel perceptions …