
Displaying 511 - 520 of 1235
Grain Sorghum Sprinkler
Number of Farms 610 Crop Acres … Percentage 75.69% 67.59% Gross Income / Acre $177.69 $17710 Variable Costs / Acre $171.38 …
Number of Farms 119 86 … Percentage 75.96% 76.13% Gross Income / Acre $113.58 $104.32 Variable … Acre $102.66 $97.22 Gross Income / Bushel $4.04 $4.90 Total …
All Livestock and Crop Enterprises
Number of Farms 187 161 … Cwt $77.08 $90.90 Gross Income / Cow $393.60 $462.29 Feed … Total Dollars $ / Cwt $ / Cow INCOME: Calves Sold 96 41,322.13 …
Summary Book - All Counties
Kansas FarmManagement Association 2017 South … Producing Excellence Kansas FarmManagement Associations … Extension Service Kansas Farm
Dairy Cows
Number of Farms 7 9 … 3,490.74 $4,290.79 Gross Income / Cow $3,846.87 $4,486.13 Feed … 4,486.13 Feed Cost / Cow $2,149.10 $2,593.71 Non Feed Costs …
Summary Book - All Counties
Kansas FarmManagement Association 2014 Northwest … PROFITLINK Summary Kansas FarmManagement Associations … Extension Service Kansas Farm
County Summary
Kansas FarmManagement Association 2014 Northwest … PROFITLINK Summary Kansas FarmManagement Associations … Extension Service Kansas Farm
Grain Sorghum
Number of Farms 14 13 … Percentage 76.69% 80.46% Gross Income / Acre $232.66 $225.81 Variable … 225.81 Variable Costs / Acre $157.10 $180.47 Total Expense / Acre …
Number of Farms 170 271 … Percentage 82.64% 86.80% Gross Income / Acre $395.61 $469.65 Variable … Acre $341.90 $390.68 Gross Income / Bushel $4.25 $8.11 Total …
Irrigated Corn
Number of Farms 510 Crop Acres 150 … Percentage 86.79% 71.56% Gross Income / Acre $567.81 $723.45 Variable … Acre $413.73 $522.03 Gross Income / Bushel $3.96 $6.15 Total …