
Displaying 491 - 500 of 1235
Irrigated Corn
Number of Farms 7 7 … Percentage 75.87% 85.50% Gross Income / Acre $714.13 $791.03 Variable … Acre $482.14 $719.90 Gross Income / Bushel $4.87 $8.63 Total …
No-Till Sorghum Silage
Number of Farms 6 5 … Percentage 88.61% 100.00% Gross Income / Acre $335.27 $327.56 Variable … Expense / Acre $293.72 $344.10 Gross …
Double-Crop Soybeans
Number of Farms 21 44 … Percentage 84.47% 85.05% Gross Income / Acre $193.09 $198.59 Variable … Acre $157.94 $177.22 Gross Income / Bushel $9.40 …
Number of Farms 25 29 … Percentage 75.74% 78.79% Gross Income / Acre $220.73 $36110 Variable Costs / Acre $118.03 … Acre $176.43 $242.92 Gross Income / Bushel $8.34 …
Number of Farms 91 85 … Percentage 82.74% 84.21% Gross Income / Acre $161.63 $220.87 Variable … Acre $142.96 $219.26 Gross Income / Bushel $6.73 $5.17 Total …
Irrigated Soybeans
Number of Farms 6 6 … Percentage 71.33% 70.29% Gross Income / Acre $346.89 $453.03 Variable … 453.03 Variable Costs / Acre $204.10 $222.34 Total Expense / Acre …
No-Till Cane Hay-Sudan
Number of Farms 18 32 … Percentage 91.02% 98.54% Gross Income / Acre $183.26 $227.69 Variable … Costs / Acre $108.17 $144.10 Total Expense / Acre $186.62 …
Cane Hay-Sudan
Number of Farms 18 32 … Percentage 91.02% 98.54% Gross Income / Acre $183.26 $227.69 Variable … Costs / Acre $108.17 $144.10 Total Expense / Acre $186.62 …
Cane Hay-Sudan
Number of Farms 21 19 … Percentage 89.74% 96.52% Gross Income / Acre $103.11 $214.99 Variable … Acre $134.93 $192.55 Gross Income / Ton $59.66 $63.46 Total …
No-Till Wheat
Number of Farms 27 32 … Percentage 85.56% 84.63% Gross Income / Acre $166.55 $179.39 Variable … Acre $159.68 $191.82 Gross Income / Bushel $4.18 $8.00 Total …