
Displaying 481 - 490 of 3291
February 3, 2021 Farm Profitability, KFMA Research
2021.01 only guide to prices is crop futures and both yields and … Because most of the 2021 crop is not even planted yet … forecast model: yields, prices, crop acres, expenses …
September 25, 2023 Ag Law Issues
Agricultural Economics Extension Publication 09/25/2023 … basis at death equal to fair market value (except for items categorized … Agricultural Economics Extension Publication 09/25/2023 …
December 1, 2016 Financial Management
Agricultural Economics Extension Publication 12/01/2016 … thrown on already depressed markets … Agricultural Economics Extension Publication 12/01/2016 …
October 1, 2021 2021 Crop Insurance Workshop Presentations
Cattle production is larger than crop production in KS based on sales $$$, but insurance use is limited• … High use: MPCI‐insurancecrop‐insurance‐papers‐and‐information/livestock‐insurance‐and‐lrp Source:  USDA Economic Research Service Pasture, Rangeland, and Forage Insurance • …
June 1, 2009 Water Policy
1 Introduction  Crop production in the Great Plains … initial county values for crop acreage, irrigated acreage … models estimate the level of crop production and water use …
March 25, 2022 Livestock Insurance
Agricultural Economics Extension Publication 03/25/2022 … large declines in expected market price are rare, they can … cost of production, have a marketing plan, and have some experience …
May 26, 2021 Recent Videos
Economics Kansas Farm Management AssociationThe Wild Ride of 2020 • COVID pandemic, market and supply chain disruptions, uncertainty, volatility, Economic Stimulus• … Strong yields, especially dryland fall crops in many areas• Low yields in far western and some parts of southeast • …
April 3, 2020 Ag Law Issues
Agricultural Economics Extension Publication 04/03/2020 … dramatic drop in the stock market over the last month has taken … Agricultural Economics Extension Publication 04/03/2020 …
February 22, 2019 Grain Market Outlook
spring planting and summer crop development, and the continuation … projections. Among the 3 major crops, this year’s outlook represents … variations in the export market. In contrast, soybean cash …
June 22, 2017 Commodity Program Papers, KFMA Research
ersity Department Of Agricultural Economics Extension Publication 06/22/2017             …                                                                                                                                                     1  Farm Bill Program Enrollment Decisions by Kansas Farmers     Candice Wilson (, Mykel Taylor (, and Glynn Tonsor (  Kansas State University Department of Agricultural Economics ‐ June 2017      The 2014 Farm Bill required Kansas producers to make a series of enrollment decisions that  were both complicated and based on incomplete information. With this bill, producers were required  to complete a one‐time enrollment in one of three programs, Agriculture Risk Coverage‐County  Coverage (ARC‐CO), Agricultural Risk Coverage‐Individual Coverage (ARC‐IC) and Price Loss Coverage  (PLC), to serve as a safety net for poor crop prices and/or yields over the five‐year life of the legislation.  As agricultural production represents the largest sector of the Kansas economy, valued at over $64  million annually (43% of the total economy), the analysis of predicted and actual enrollment is crucial  in giving insight into producers’ decision‐making processes. The current downturn facing the  agricultural sector coupled with political pressure to reduce federal expenditures only intensifies the  need for an effective and economically sustainable safety net. Due to the nature of the one‐time  enrollment for the five‐year life of the 2014 Farm Bill, it is imperative to understand how producers  made their program selection. Considering the effects of incomplete information on producers’  decisions provides an opportunity to identify challenges associated with program selection under the  2014 Farm Bill and suggest changes for future farm support legislation.     Data used for the analysis of program enrollment were collected from a variety of sources: FSA,  NASS, and Kansas State University were all sources of information used to statistically investigate  factors affecting program enrollment by Kansas farmers. Survey data were obtained from  approximately 1,400 producers across the state of Kansas to help identify specific enrollment  considerations. The surveys were collected before and after K‐State Extension educational efforts at 15  meetings. These meetings were held across the state of Kansas between January and March of 2015  and attended by over 4,000 farmers, landowners, and others.    Highlighted Results  1 …