
Displaying 4641 - 4650 of 6693
Summary Book - All Counties
TYPE………………………...………………………. 34 - 35 CROP ENTERPRISES…………………………………………………..………… … ENTERPRISES…………………………………………………..………… 36 - 42 CROP - PRICE GRAPHS……………………………………………….………… … 65,193 56,966 26,449 (GROSS CROP VALUE …
Summary Book - All Counties
16  Crop Value and Cost Comparison … 25  Crop Value and Cost Trends, 10 … 44  Non-irrigated Enterprise Analysis Crop Yields, 10-Year Trend …
Non-Irrigated Grain Sorghum
226.54 1.31 29 %4.585.89CropInsurance Proceeds 0.44 -1.07 -25 … 30 %33.7423.45Seed/Other Crop Expense 34.55 -3.15 -23 … 34.55 -3.15 -23 %13.5310.38Crop
Non-Irrigated Wheat
96.33 -29.24 -70 %41.5612.33CropInsurance Proceeds 28.69 0.83 37 %2.233.06Other … 49 %15.547.88Seed/Other Crop Expense 13.41 -1.38 -16 … 13.41 -1.38 -16 %8.767.38Crop
Non-Irrigated Reduced-Till Grain Sorghum
305.96 -12.39 -60 %20.658.25CropInsurance Proceeds 1.02 0.23 5 %4.664.89Other … 25 %18.1213.55Seed/Other Crop Expense 14.67 -3.32 -22 … 14.67 -3.32 -22 %14.8011.48Crop
Non-Irrigated No-Till Corn
11.67 13.05 694 %1.8814.93CropInsurance Proceeds 2.01 10.89 86 %12.7223.61Other … 6 %62.2158.30Seed/Other Crop Expense 66.09 11.34 70 %16.2 … 66.09 11.34 70 %16.2427.58Crop
Non-Irrigated Corn
11.50 7.70 263 %2.9310.63CropInsurance Proceeds 0.00 8.70 104 %8.3317.03Other … 14.40 2.75 4 %63.1065.86Seed/Other Crop Expense 68.50 2.54 14 %18.49 … 68.50 2.54 14 %18.4921.02Crop
Non-Irrigated Alfalfa
8.85 -0.13 -100 %0.130.00CropInsurance Proceeds 0.00 5.48 122 %4.489.96Other … 29 %18.4313.14Seed/Other Crop Expense 24.24 -0.27 -56 … 24.24 -0.27 -56 %0.480.21Crop
Non-Irrigated Reduced-Till Grain Sorghum
14.27 33.42 330 %10.1143.53CropInsurance Proceeds 5.80 1.04 66 %1.582.62Other … 31 %5.086.65General Farm Insurance 5.88 -0.03 -1 %2.512.49Utilities … 37 %23.2714.57Seed/Other Crop Expense 12.58 -5.94 -32 …
Non-Irrigated No-Till Corn
53.99 14.78 5,671%0.2615.04CropInsurance Proceeds 0.00 -0.47 -34%1.390.92Other … 47%8.934.71General Farm Insurance 4.71 -2.16 -77%2.830.66Utilities … 59% -3.70 -6%65.9562.25Seed/Other Crop Expense 61.36 1.76 26%6.788 …