
Displaying 4501 - 4510 of 5019
Enterprise Profit Center Summary
Sow and Litter – Sell Market Hogs (State … 24 Nonirrigated Crop Enterprise Net Return to … Received for Nonirrigated Crops (State …
Enterprise Profit Center Summary
23 Nonirrigated Crop Enterprise Net Return to … Received for Nonirrigated Crops (State … 25 Irrigated Crop Enterprise Net Return to …
County Summary
M   De     su fe pr us fr ar w th   ev M ar   Si   M Ex V In V N F % % % A A M H C H Ir B La W N W V N C May 9, 2014  ear Farm Man The Ka ummary report ew years.  An im rovide data an sually larger in om western co reas of compar Labor E workdays on a f he analysis.  W We hop valuating the K Management As rea.  ncerely,  Mark A. Wood  xtension Agricu Variable ncome Measur Value of Farm P Net Farm Incom inancial Measu % Return on Ass % Return on Eq % ROE ‐ %ROA Average Curren Average Debt to Measures of Siz Harvest Acres Crop Acres  Harvest Acres % rrigated Acres % Beef Cows abor Efficiency Work Days Number of Wor Work Days/Wor VFP/Workday NFI/Workday Comparison of    agers and Frie nsas Farm Man t that includes  mportant reaso d reports that   acreage and a ounties has lim rison.      Efficiency is a m farm is also a m estern farms s pe you will find KFMA, NW mem ssociation, NW               …
Executive Summary
payments for 2020 (2019) crop year received in calendar … include CFAP3 payments (both crop and livestock), PPP loans … CFAP1 & CFAP2 payments (both crop and livestock), PPP loans …
Grain Sorghum
16 Crop Acres 354 392 … 7.24 Crop Insurance Proceeds 3,466.23 … 121.26 Crop Futures (288.00) (0.01) (0.81 …
14 11 Crop Acres 171 195 … 0.18 3.18 Crop Insurance Proceeds 901.08 … 21.71 Seed / Other Crop Expense 4,846.08 1.53 …
Corn Silage
14 Crop Acres 54 53 … 12.59 Crop Insurance Proceeds 183.62 … 17.99 Seed / Other Crop Expense 3,244.10 3.57 …
Grain Sorghum
37 Crop Acres 224 235 … 0.17 0.00 0.00 0.00 Crop Insurance Proceeds 568.53 … 8,516.25 0.65 36.24 Crop Futures (22.94) (0.00) (0.10 …
Corn Silage
16 Crop Acres 73 142 … 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Crop Insurance Proceeds 88.07 … 13.38 Seed / Other Crop Expense 2,898.97 3.14 …
Corn Silage
9 Crop Acres 79 63 … 0.89) (15.60) Crop Insurance Proceeds 2,010.91 … 38.45 Seed / Other Crop Expense 5,073.49 3.08 …