
Displaying 451 - 460 of 6691
September 7, 2018 Risk Management Strategies
price differences between crops. While the author only considered … the harvest price option in cropinsurance that critics have proposed … Soybeans are a much larger crop than the minor oilseeds …
May 25, 2022
Interest 12.6% Milo $18.25 Insurance & shelter 3.6% Soybeans … Operations performed by crop are the following: Wheat … Acres planted to each crop: wheat = 800; milo = 400 …
May 1, 2009 KFMA Newsletters
and yields for the 2009 crop year. The purpose of the … “good’ price might be for 2009 crop production. We hope to … phenomenal profits from the crop enterprises in 2008. Profit …
June 18, 2018 Risk Management Strategies
had to plant the program crop on a specificcrop base to receive commodity … allowed farmers to plant crops other than wheat on wheat … the only exception to other crops were the planting of fruits …
June 30, 2016
interest, repairs, taxes, and insurance, are incurred whether the … estimate. Repairs, taxes, and insurance are often estimated as a … 770. Repairs, taxes, and insurance costs are estimated at $500 …
December 16, 2022 Beef Cattle
acre) $21.00 $23.10 Current price *1.10 Crop Residue ($/acre) $15.00 $16.50 Current … year 1/1-3/1 60 31 2 0.25 Crop Residue Grazing 2.08 total … acres per year Tons 2.42 Crop Residue 2.08 total acres …
July 2, 2024 Risk Management Strategies
K-State has also updated the crop price estimates for the current … for the other major Kansas crops. The corn price is now estimated … month ago, but none of these crops would have a PLC payment …
March 25, 2014 Risk Management Strategies
payments for the 2014 and 2015 crops under the county Agricultural … county-ARC triggered payments by crop will be made on 85% of the … revenue results from all crops planted on the farm serial …
September 13, 2012 Risk Management Strategies
fallen. The impacts on the cropinsurance payments are not large enough … have a large enough 2012 cropinsurance loss to wipe out all of the …
October 9, 2017 Crop Insurance Papers
                                                                                                                                                    1  Impact of Subsidy and Income Limits on Farm Size Measured at the  State, County, and Farm Level     Mykel Taylor ( and Art Barnaby (   Kansas State University Department of Agricultural Economics ‐ October 2017    The Trump administration is proposing crop insurance cuts, similar to the one …