
Displaying 441 - 450 of 5020
May 25, 2018 Risk Management Strategies
05/25/2018   1    Some Farmers Would Lose Crop Base & Payments under a New … to plant the same program crop as theircrop base in order to receive … programs and not to farm for the market. For example, wheat farmers …
July 22, 2024 Recent Videos
marketing … reserved. Harvest Timing ToolsPrice OutlookLocal Markets BasisQualityTransportation … Storage Production Costs Marketing Plans are where we pull all …
June 24, 2024 Recent Videos
marketing … rights reserved. 1. WTG Marketing Plans: OUTLINES for you to … actions to.2. To be effective, marketing plans must include:a) Pricing …
November 11, 2019 Grain Market Outlook
    Analysis of the USDA CROP PRODUCTION & WORLD AGRICULTURAL … 2019 USDA’s 2019 Fall Crop Supply-Demand Estimates with … 2019 The November 8th USDA Crop Production and World Agricultural …
December 8, 2022 Recent Videos, Risk and Profit Online Mini-Conference Presentations
markets … occupied LOSSES FROM THE WAR IN UKRAINIAN AGRICULTURE(Indirect assessment of damage) Source: Kyiv School of Economics DAMAGES STRUCTURE BY CATEGORY $ 34.25 billion  $ 18.5 billion  $ 11.2 billion  $ 348.7 million  $ 3 billion  $ 862 million  Othercrops23% Crops Harvested 2021, thousand hectares  Forecast 2022,thousand hectares   Harvested 2022, thousand hectares  % of harvested area to forecast 2022  % of harvested area 2022 to harvested area 2021  Harvested 2022, thousand metric tonnes  Average 2022yields, metric tonnes per hectare Average 2021yields, metric tonnes per hectare Change in yields 2022 to 2021, %  Grain and legumes total, including: 15,299.2 …
March 22, 2022 Grain Marketing Presentations
market … an Federation Conflict:  Grain Market ImpactsUpdated March 21, 2022 Daniel M. O’BrienKansas State University Key Questions to Address Today 1 … How “tight” were global grain markets prior to the Ukraine/Russia conflict?  2 …
October 13, 2022 2018 Farm Bill
marketing … Program Payments for 2021/2022 Marketing Year Very Minimal in Kansas … commodity prices in the 2021/2022 marketing year have made for very …
July 27, 2023 Recent Videos, Risk and Profit Online Mini-Conference Presentations
markets … Challenges of Black Sea Grain Markets Antonina Broyaka PhD in Economics, Associate Professor Extension Associate of Agricultural Economics Department,Kansas State University  OUTLINE:  • … 584,000 hectares of land. Crop production is projected to …
July 14, 2014 Commodity Program Papers
marketing … to aid farmers with their marketing and risk management decisions … must consider whether such marketing strategies are appropriate …
2018 Extension Outlook Conference
markets … affect U.S. agricultural markets in the short & long term Dermot … Group ] Projection Market Net LH SEW BE BE LH BE SEW …