
Displaying 4231 - 4240 of 5019
February 13, 2020 Land Buying and Valuing, Land Use Value Research
Information for land productivity, crop-mix, yields, prices, landlord … determine the productivity for crop growth of individual soil … above or below average in crop productivity for that county …
Summary Book - All Counties
19 County Crop Insurance & Government Payment … 61 Analysis Factors by Crop Acres … PRODUCTION COMPARISON Total Crop Acres 2,143 Percent of …
Executive Summary
173,660 GOVERNMENT PAYMENTS & NET CROP INSURANCE PROCEEDS 2021 … 2.7 % 22.3 % 15.3 % Net Crop Insurance2/Farm $ 244,461 … 8,982) $ 151,927 $ 92,781 Net Crop Insurance2 % of NFI 94.7 …
Sorghum Silage
22 %23.0218.04Seed/Other Crop Expense 24.25 -16.46 -34 … Oil 19.83 1.14 0 %0.001.14Crop Storage &Marketing 0.00 -0.78 -30 %2.641.85Personal …
Brome Hay
9.07 0.39 528 %0.070.46Seed/Other Crop Expense 1.65 -27.14 -42 … Oil 12.75 0.00 0 %0.000.00Crop Storage &Marketing 0.22 -0.73 -51 %1.440.71Personal …
Non-Irrigated Brome
9.07 0.39 528 %0.070.46Seed/Other Crop Expense 1.65 -27.14 -42 … Oil 12.75 0.00 0 %0.000.00Crop Storage &Marketing 0.22 -0.73 -51 %1.440.71Personal …
22 %23.0218.04Seed/Other Crop Expense 24.25 -16.46 -34 … Oil 19.83 1.14 0 %0.001.14Crop Storage &Marketing 0.00 -0.78 -30 %2.641.85Personal …
Non-Irrigated Brome
7.89 -0.10 -27 %0.370.27Seed/Other Crop Expense 0.88 -2.12 -5 %41.2839.17Fertilizer/Lime … 13.91 -0.14 -100 %0.140.00Crop Storage &Marketing 0.00 -0.81 -57 %1.420.62Personal …
Brome Hay
7.89 -0.10 -27 %0.370.27Seed/Other Crop Expense 0.88 -2.12 -5 %41.2839.17Fertilizer/Lime … 13.91 -0.14 -100 %0.140.00Crop Storage &Marketing 0.00 -0.81 -57 %1.420.62Personal …
Summary Book - All Counties
positive net farm income. Crop yields were generally above … average of 37.5 bu/ac. Fall crops that survived spring hail … two years but a surge in market price was beneficial for …