
Displaying 4171 - 4180 of 5021
Summary Book - All Counties
       ultural Econom nds,  Summary and A n members fro One hundred s ership.  The Ass eping records c ation is extend work.  farm income o come.  For the net income qu averaged $278 5% in value of  of farm produc age of $830,31 f the wheat en eraged betwee .  Non‐irrigated re in 2012 to 1 averaged 30 b e summary tha ions that sell w ompared with $ from $431.95  n 2013.  d the informat t to know more ment Associati Clint Milliman  mists  Analysis inform om 17 counties sixteen farms w sociation Econ complete enou ed to the Asso f $440,621 rec e 116 farms in t uartile groups.  8,776 of net far farm productio ction can be att 1 in 2012 to $7 nterprises, all f en 20 and 22 b d soybean yield 195 bushels pe bushels per acr at begins on pa weaned calves  $58.79 in 2012 in 2012 to $59 ion useful and  e about how y ion, NW, consi                                  mation was pro s of Northwest were summari omists and sta ugh for analysis ociation suppor corded in 2011 the summary,   The bottom 2 rm income.  Th on from an ave tributed mostl 797,941 on ave all crop yields  ushels per acre ds averaged 6  r acre in 2013. re.  Review the age 37.  experienced a 2.  This was acc 98.93 in 2013. H insightful for e our farm comp der giving us a  Shane Ruff  ocessed from t t Kansas. The lo ized and repre aff of the KFMA s and for sharin rt staff and the 1, the continuin net farm incom 25% (29 farms)  he driving force erage of $1,11 ly to lower cro erage in 2013. improved sligh e while non‐irr bushels per ac .  Irrigated soyb e non‐irrigated  an improvemen complished eve High valued fe evaluating the pares to simila a call.  We are t        …
Summary Book - All Counties
28-31 Crop Profit Center Analysis … gt;Integrate tax planning, marketing, and asset … Payments Livestock Income Crop/Misc Income 5 Average …
Enterprise Profit Center Summary
Sow and Litter – Sell Market Hogs (State … 19 Non-Irrigated Crop Enterprise Net Returns to … Received for Non-Irrigated Crops (State …
Summary Book - All Counties
28-31 Crop Profit Center Analysis … gt;Integrate tax planning, marketing, and asset … Payments Livestock Income Crop/Misc Income 5 Average …
Summary Book - All Counties
28-31 Crop Profit Center Analysis … gt;Integrate tax planning, marketing, and asset … Payments Livestock Income Crop/Misc Income 5 Average …
No-Till Cane Hay-Sudan
HAY 31Number of Farms 15 95Crop Acres 115 45Acres Owned … 1,443.47 5.68 15.21Seed/Other Crop Expense 16.286.261,879.60 … 16.286.261,879.60 152.81 0.60 1.61Crop Insurance 0.580.2266.67 2,254.22 …
Cane Hay-Sudan
HAY 39Number of Farms 27 92Crop Acres 123 42Acres Owned … 1,469.49 5.98 15.92Seed/Other Crop Expense 16.876.482,076.38 … 16.876.482,076.38 141.55 0.58 1.53Crop Insurance 0.380.1446.30 2,093.20 …
ALFALFA 11Number of Farms 8 128Crop Acres 118 25Acres Owned … 3.010.96353.79 2,521.85 7.72 19.71Seed/Other Crop Expense 26.028.333,058.22 61.07 … 26.028.333,058.22 61.07 0.19 0.48Crop Insurance 0.630.2073.88 3,169.75 …
Cane Hay-Sudan
HAY 42Number of Farms 33 83Crop Acres 134 36Acres Owned … 9.864.691,319.32 1,159.04 4.78 14.03Seed/Other Crop Expense 18.969.012,536.62 70.08 … 18.969.012,536.62 70.08 0.29 0.85Crop Insurance 3.241.54434.21 1,917.23 …
Cane Hay-Sudan
HAY 45Number of Farms 20 83Crop Acres 97 37Acres Owned 40 46Acres … 8.325.37809.97 1,094.12 3.67 13.19Seed/Other Crop Expense 17.0010.971,654.70 48.26 … 17.0010.971,654.70 48.26 0.16 0.58Crop Insurance 2.231.44217.00 1,651.93 …