
Displaying 411 - 420 of 3291
February 2, 2018 Land Rental Rates
Kansas State University Department of Agricultural Economics (Publication: AM‐MRT‐2013.2)   … 2Kansas State University Department of Agricultural Economics (Publication: AM‐MRT‐2018.1)   … estimates provided in this publication are calculated for a newly …
April 29, 2020 Land Buying and Valuing, Land Use Value Research
Agricultural Economics Extension Publication 04/29/2020 … Information for land productivity, crop-mix, yields, prices, landlord … determine the productivity for crop growth of individual soil …
September 15, 2016 KFMA Newsletters
compare with the current crop and livestock prices that … help that the equipment market is depressed along with commodity … asset were sold for fair market value. The gain from the …
February 6, 2020 Farm Profitability, KFMA Research
Agricultural Economics Extension Publication 02/04/2020 … profitability of specific crop and livestock enterprises … wondering about how profitable crop enterprises were in the state …
December 2, 2014 Commodity Program Papers
made separately for each crop with base acres. Strategy … need to be verifiable with crop insurance records or other … “Updating Payment Yield” publication on Farm Bill page of …
March 3, 2017 Farm Machinery Papers
2017 Background In AgManger publication GI-2017.4, the price indexes … per unit over time. This publication builds on AgManager publica- tion … allowed to vary. In this publication, the broad expense cate- gories …
March 30, 2017 KFMA Research
2017 Background In AgManger publication GI-2017.4, the price indexes … per unit over time. This publication builds on AgManager publica- tion … allowed to vary. In this publication, the broad expense cate- gories …
October 5, 2023 Land Rental Rates
often determined by competitive local markets, which may or may not reflect … land to support “going” market rental rates. Thispublication provides non-irrigated cash … and 9 at the end of this publication. These estimates incorporate the …
January 8, 2024 2018 Farm Bill
Agricultural Economics Extension Publication 01/08/2024 … ARC/PLC Decision for 2024/2025 Marketing Year Robin Reid ( … 2024, and will be for the crop harvested in 2024, with …
November 21, 2012 USDA METSS Project
0.74  Source: Statistical Research and Information Directorate (SRID), 2006 and FAO.  Because of production’s dependence on increasingly erratic rainfall conditions, total market  conditions for maize tend to follow the direct impact of these rainfall conditions on production.   The situation is exacerbated frequently by the poor or non‐existent post‐harvest management  infrastructure and conditions in the country.  The situation is such that even in periods of good  moisture conditions, inefficient storage systems often result in price pressures arising from glut  at harvest time and non‐availability towards the end of the season.    …