
Displaying 41 - 50 of 265
November 26, 2018 Grain Market Outlook
2018) in major exporting countries such as Australia, parts of the European Union, Russia, and Ukraine (Figures  14a‐b‐c).  But large carryover stocks from “old crop” MY 2 … up 6.7% (Table 1a).  Harvested acreage for  “next crop” MY 2019/18 are projected to be up 8.8%, while ending stocks are forecast to decline  …
October 1, 2019 2019 Ag Lenders Conference Presentations
Corn2019 < 13.8 bln bu?  End Stocks < 2.000 bb? o Soybeans2018 … Soybeans2018 < 3.6 bln bu?  End Stocks < 600 mb? 2) U.S. HRW Wheat … 10/1/2019 U.S. Corn & Sorghum Stocks….. • Corn: “Moderate” …
July 31, 2018 Grain Market Outlook
Opportunities for Other Domestic Uses: Converse to the situation with U.S. grain sorghum exports, the  availability of grain sorghum in domestic U.S. markets at low prices relative to corn have improved prospects  for usage in the U.S. domestic eth … anol production, with sharp increases in industrial (i.e., ethanol) usage projected at that  same  …
July 12, 2024 Spreadsheets with WASDE data
Economics ($/Bu) Feed & Residual Usage EthanolUsage Low Yield Scenario Table High … Acres Actual Yield Production Stocks Imports Total Supply Seed Food …
December 24, 2020 Grain Market Outlook
However, percent (%) ending stocks-to-use has declined significantly … “World-Less-China” wheat ending stocks andstocks-to-use for “current” … completed).  U.S. Wheat Food Usage: The USDA left unchanged …
September 15, 2020 Grain Market Outlook
positive prospects for U.S. corn usage in “new crop” MY 2020/21 … historically large U.S. corn ending stocks (2.503 bb) and percent … and percent (%) ending stocks-to-use (17.06%), with a projected …
October 18, 2018 Grain Marketing Presentations
Supplies U.S. Soybean Use & End Stocks U.S. Soybean Export Shipments Last … 10/4/2018) U.S. Soybean % Stocks/Use vs Price$ U.S. SoybeanStocks….. • Soybean: “Large” …
June 14, 2019 Grain Market Outlook
production, and increased usage of sorghum for bioenergy … Sorghum (i.e., beginning stocks + production + imports) are … adding to projected ending stocks. However, the set of broader …
December 18, 2020 Grain Market Outlook
• U.S. Soybean Crush Usage: The USDA raised its projection … • U.S. Soybean Ending Stocks & Percent (%) EndingStocks-to-Use: As a result of these … the USDA projected ending stocks of 175 mb (3.86% Ending …
General Sessions
that the current "large stocks - low price" situation in … “short” vs “abundant” Stocks/Use Use = f(PricesUsage affected conversely by “high” … Market” • Record World Supplies & Usage Forecast in 2015/16 o 3 …