
Displaying 41 - 50 of 427
March 3, 2021 Recent Videos
crop … ricultural Economics Kansas Crop Cost of Production Estimates … Economics Tools to help producers Cropbudgeting tool◦ Both printed◦ Interactive …
February 22, 2016 Risk Management Strategies
their Never Ending Attack on Crop Insurance1   Art Barnaby  …   Art Barnaby (   Kansas State University Department of Agricultural Economics ‐ February 2016‐Cut.pdf     Art … President Auburn Agency Crop Inc Box 266 Auburn Ne …
July 6, 2017 Risk Management Strategies
07/05/2017   1    Proposed $40,000 Crop Insurance Limit by County1 … administration is proposing crop insurance cuts, similar to … that level. The $40,000 crop insurance “subsidy” cap …
November 17, 2014 Leasing Papers and Presentations
crops … Principles of a Good Crop Share Lease   Determining … ase   Determining an equitable crop  share lease for agricultural  land is important for good  business relations between  landowners and producers.  While both parties typically  want a lease agreement that is  equitable, negotiating one can  be a daunting task. This is  especially true when  production practices or  technologies change over time.  Even the most stable leasing  relationships may have trouble  determining how to adjust  their leases to fairly reflect new  farming practices.  The basic principles of a good  agricultural land lease are:  1 …
August 1, 2017 Breakout Sessions
crop … Administration’s Proposed Cuts to Crop Insurance in the Next Farm … government commodity programs, crop insurance and public policy …
February 18, 2013 Risk Management Strategies
Reduce Taxpayer Cost for Crop Insurance By Dr. G. Art … 2 Environmental Working Group Crop Insurance: Safety Net or … more cogent observers of crop insurance and this year’s …
May 24, 2011 Leasing Papers and Presentations
crop … Email: Frequently Asked Questions: Crop Leases in Kansas    May … 2      Frequently Asked Questions on Crop Leases in Kansas  (Publication: AM‐TJD‐2011.1)  1 …
October 2, 2017 2017 Crop Insurance Workshop Presentations
crop … Reserved10/24/2017 Proposed Commodity Program & Crop Insurance Changes Dr. G.A … Economics-Kansas State University2017 Crop Insurance Workshop, Making …
June 8, 2012 Risk Management Strategies
for eligibility to purchase crop insurance1 Introduction … for eligibility to purchase crop insurance. One proposal … AGI) to be eligible for crop insurance purchase. While …
March 3, 2021 Recent Videos
crop … 2021 Crop Insurance Choices with SCO and ECO Jennifer Ifft, Associate Professor  Managing Risk and Marketing Grain in 2021 Outline • … Price decline *if* no revenue loss (high county yields)• Forward contracting crops with positive basis (sorg …