
Displaying 371 - 380 of 6689
October 1, 2017 Presentation Material
making Filing of reports IRS Lender CropInsurance FSA Other 12 How should I … Supplies Investment in Growing CropsCrops Held for Sale Market Livestock A …
April 1, 2014 Risk Management Strategies
month. The percent of the crop sold in a month is the weight … prices by state and by type of crop. For example, NASS reports … current time to organize their crop yields so they can update …
May 1, 2023 Production Publications
longer-term scenarios affecting cropinsurance coverage and premiums have … of herbicides will affect cropinsurance premiums and coverage levels …
March 20, 2015 Risk Management Strategies
If the farm’s 2015 wheat crop is hedged, forward contracted … hedged some of their 2016 crop too. Corn futures trade … 2014 yield from their APH crop
July 13, 2012 Risk Management Strategies
applicable policy, plan of insurance, and coverage level selected … is not true for high value crops or nurseries. The counties … …
July 8, 2016 Land Rental Rates
practices. 1 Determining Equitable Crop Share or Cash Rental Arrangements … Background Crop producers rely heavily on … 2000-2002 the average percent of crop acres farmed that were rented …
June 11, 2012 Risk Management Strategies
various proposed commodity and cropinsurance limits. I did a little editing … be lobbying for continued cropinsurance subsidies, especially for …
May 30, 2019 Risk Management Strategies
planting conditions for their insured corncrop. A number of new developments … many Kansas producers who insured their intended 2019 corn … they can plant their corn crop and still obtain the full …
June 1, 2016 Risk Management Strategies
  Art Barnaby (   Kansas State University Department of Agricultural Economics ‐ June 2016‐LowPay.pdf       Farmers … the Area Risk Protection Insurance (ARPI) administered by the … alternative calculation of the 2016 crop yield if a state’s Farm …
February 1, 2013 Risk Management Strategies
farmers from out of state. Insurance agents, lenders, brokers … to be useful. A few insurance agents have suggested to … price protection from their crop