
Displaying 351 - 360 of 489
2018 Extension Outlook Conference
and Director, North Central Extension Risk Management Education Center Department … North Central Extension Risk Management Education Center … spending  Commodities  Crop
May 31, 2012 Risk Management Strategies
with their marketing and risk management decisions. Therisk of loss in trading futures … 40,000 subsidy limit on cropinsurance contracts. The justification …
August 1, 2019 Breakout Sessions
Farms face volatile weather and prices• Many government program seek to reduce income volatility • … Volatility can affect ability to repay loans Correlation over time within farms • Net insurance and government payments a … ted with net farm income excluding insurance and government payments• Net  …
2021 Risk and Profit Conference Recordings
2021 and 2022 GREGG IBENDAHL Risk and Prof i t - 2021 Agricultural … That’s a big assumption for a crop that is just getting out … of forecast model Yields Prices
August 1, 2021 Breakout Sessions
2021 and 2022 GREGG IBENDAHL Risk and Prof i t - 2021 Agricultural … That’s a big assumption for a crop that is just getting out … of forecast model Yields Prices
March 1, 2016 KFMA Newsletters
information on Managing Financial Risk in Today’s Environment … situation of low commodity prices and tight margins. There … 2 Managing Financial Risk in Today’s Environment1 …
March 1, 2016 Land Buying and Valuing, Land Use Value Research
Plant Growth (KS_SRPG), the crop mix, yieldsprices, landlord’s share ofcrops, landlord’s share of expenses …
November 30, 2016 Grain Marketing Presentations
grain trade & World grain prices 3) Market Outlook for Corn … amp; Soybeans  “Revenue Insurance Planning & HarvestPrice Perspective for Corn & … supplies are limiting grain prices 2) Wheat …
October 8, 2020 Recent Videos
early Oct. for 2019/2020 crop marketing year ������� �� ���� � � … ��� PLC payments for 2019/2020 Crop Marketing Year 2019/2020 MYA … 0.00 PLC payment = PLC Payment Rate * Established Farm Level Yield with FSA * 85% of base acres for that crop* 5.9% budget sequestration ������� �� ���� � � …
August 1, 2018 Breakout Sessions
Know what you need2) Surely Insure?3) Write it down4) Safekeeping5 … 1,505 Doctor/Medical $3,740 Health Insurance $7,361 Life Insurance $3,557 NF Auto expense … do you need access to?  *3 months?*6 months?*1 year? Fill out the cost for YOUR home in the handout of BASIC NECESSITIES you might need in a disaster. Different disasters might have different needs (shelter vs repairs) depending on the severity.   There’s an Insurance for that… Are you covered??? House:DwellingPersonal …