
Displaying 331 - 340 of 2842
October 12, 2016 Grain Market Outlook
HRW) wheat futures contract, basis bids at designated delivery … contract specifications. This market condition seems to be due … and Salina, Kansas, wheat basis levels (i.e., the difference …
July 11, 2016 Risk Management Strategies
  Art Barnaby (   Kansas State University Department of Agricultural Economics ‐ June 2016‐MYA.pdf     … falling out of the wheat market, LDPs have been available … size of this Kansas wheat crop, which will end up being …
February 13, 2023
expected to sell in the cash market. Note: Based on the weight … will be sold in the cash market. Remember, one contract … will be sold in the cash market, but it cannot be greater. 1 AgEcon …
May 1, 2008 KFMA Newsletters
all of the profits out of crop production? Table 1, on … for government payments, crop insurance and other income … prices such as seed and crop insurance have risen, but …
April 16, 2018 Risk Management Strategies
hedges, farmer hedges and crop insurance claims to work … between futures and cash markets, and grain futuresmarkets are not likely to survive … long run without a reliable basis relationship with local cash …
January 18, 2022 Risk Management Strategies
payments are made when the Marketing Year Average price (MYA … individual level, in which all crops on the farm are enrolled … payment is made in the Crop 2014/2015 Payment Rate …
March 31, 2015 Grain Market Outlook … There were a number of market surprises in the USDA’s … U.S. corn yet on "current crop" 2014/15 that is likely to …
July 5, 2016 Grain Market Outlook
    USDA Grain Stocks Report on June 30th – Stocks & Use Trends for the U.S.  Daniel O’Brien – Extension Agricultural Economist, Kansas State University  July 5, 2015  On June 30, 2016 the USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) released its June 1st  Quarterly Stocks Report and its 2016 Acreage Report.  Following are the key findings and market  implications in the June 1st Grain Stocks report for U.S. corn, soybeans, grain sorghum and wheat.   Analysis of the 2016 Acreage report will also be available on the KSU website.   A. U.S. Corn June 1st Stocks & March‐May Usage   …
September 25, 2014 Risk Management Strategies
to aid farmers with their marketing and risk management decisions … must consider whether such marketing strategies are appropriate … model covers all program crops, in all states and counties …
May 27, 2020 Risk Management Strategies
inventory” for non-specialty crops? Non-SpecialtyCropMarketing Contract Eligibility for …