
Displaying 291 - 300 of 427
August 1, 2023 2023 Risk and Profit Conference Recordings
Use data and results in hay inventory/budget planning, bioeconomic modeling, etc. • … Do farm‐specific factors and policies mitigate the impact of extreme weather? • Outcomes: Crop insurance payouts, government payments, inventories• … Current and previous years’ crop insurance payouts increased with more EDDs• …
February 28, 2020 Grain Marketing Presentations
Olson, NDSU Extension Service crops economist/marketing specialist … 2019 U.S. Corn & Soybean Crops (“Sometime” in 2020) o … Grains) 2020 UNL Cost of Production Budget Estimates Irrigated Soybeans …
Breakout Sessions
assessment of alternative crop and livestock production … factors impacting land values, crop land cash leases, management … profitability, economics of crop-related production technologies …
June 14, 2022 Recent Videos
reserved. Objective: Buy crop insurance to protect production … Price 75% of anticipated crop, based on APH yield (i.e … Determine the % of anticipated crop/bushels to includeStep 2 …
February 27, 2018 2018 Farm Bill Meetings Presentations
decision  Dairy and cotton  Crop insurance programs  Program … DairyBackground and the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2018 Cotton  Concerns … Conservation programs • Crop insurance benefits  Provisions • …
February 24, 2022 Recent Videos
ine in production/weight  gain or mortality Feed Risk If crop/forage yield  decreases, f … … ed for row cropsWell‐established for row crops Some insurance products  available for livestock producers Some insurance products  available for livestock producers Why formally insure? • …
February 4, 2013 Macro and Global Economic Perspectives
In 2012, the story was the weather – Widespread drought – Crops were damaged if not completely lost – … etely lost – With tight supplies, crop prices soared – Higher feed costs put tremendous pressure on livestock net  incomes • … Response of producers to higher crop prices (global) • Plant fencerow‐to‐fencerow? • …
April 11, 2022 Ag Law Issues
applicable legal rules. Crop production, energy issues … plantings” report for the 2022 crops. … in the future. Global Crops The Russian war with Ukraine …
February 6, 2020 Farm Profitability, KFMA Research
profitability of specific crop and livestock enterprises … wondering about how profitable crop enterprises were in the state … prices obtained as part of the crop
December 17, 2015 Financial Management
  Dustin L. Pendell (   Kansas State University Department of Agricultural Economics ‐ December 2015     … has led to a decline in the crop income for Kansas Farm Management …