
Displaying 231 - 240 of 489
September 15, 2015 Risk Management Strategies … tCov.pdf Winter Wheat Price & Volatility Final. Premiums … were calculated based on a price of $5.19, however there …
November 8, 2011 Agribusiness Papers
Taylor 785‐532‐6925 Department of Ag Economics MARKETING TOOLS Understanding and using your Outline • Managing risk exposure • Basis risk and hedging • Avoiding  …
November 4, 2014 Commodity Program Papers
anyone involved in production risk on that farm number will … number to reflect its own crop yields. Once established … determine payments after price loss is established. It is …
February 1, 2012 Risk Management Strategies Marketing & Risk Management Plans  Farmer … speculative position. Marketing & Risk Management Plans  Doing … decision!  Only way to avoid the risk is don’t plant.Only way …
downturn in commodity grain prices that began in late 2013 and … letting up for this upcoming crop year. The KFMA data from … decline in profitability of crop farms puts participants in …
Breakout Sessions
2014 Risk and Profit Conference Breakout … Abstract/Summary Short-dated crop options provide a shorter … and soybeans. Short-dated crop options offer enhanced hedging …
May 1, 2008 KFMA Newsletters
INCREASING FERTILIZER AND FUEL PRICES? Over the past couple … increasing fuel and fertilizer prices have become progressively … effect of increasing input prices on the potential profitability …
June 18, 2018 Risk Management Strategies
had to plant the program crop on a specificcrop base to receive commodity … allowed farmers to plant crops other than wheat on wheat … the only exception to other crops were the planting of fruits …
February 1, 2013 Beef Cattle
provided by the North Central Risk Management Education Center … Managing risk is required for many farm … purchasing them, is a form of risk management as it typically …
September 28, 2017 KFMA Newsletters
as well as, examining your crop profitability and the lease … the profitability of the crop and livestock enterprises … reviewing records, recording crop production and acres, checking …