
Displaying 2011 - 2020 of 5321
March 1, 2016 Land Buying and Valuing, Land Use Value Research
Department of Agricultural Economics, Kansas State University … Department of Agricultural Economics, Kansas State University … Department of Agricultural Economics, KSU, publishes these crop …
April 17, 2018 Land Use Value Research
Department of Agricultural Economics, Kansas State University … Department of Agricultural Economics, Kansas State University …
December 2, 2019 Leasing Papers and Presentations
ral Current Economic Conditions Returns to Farming Source: KFMA Enterprise Reports ( Net Farm and Ranch Income  $(20,000)  $30,000  $80,000  $130,000  $180,000 Retu rns o ver T otal  Cos ts Net Farm Income Per Operator Dryland Crop …
March 12, 2020 Grain Marketing Presentations
July 2007 Study) U.S. Feedgrain Origins & Destinations The Economic Cost of Transporting Grain Off‐Farm by Semi‐Tractor/Trailer … Comments? K‐State Extension Agricultural Economics: …
February 25, 2021
his Ph.D. in Agricultural Economics from Texas A&M University … Kansas State University Ag. Economics faculty in 1979 and recently …
October 1, 2021 2021 Crop Insurance Workshop Presentations
Price Data Source: Bureau of Economic Analysis & USDA-ERS, Compiled … Price Level ƒ MANY sound economic reasons fed cattle marketing …
October 21, 2020 Livestock Insurance, Crop Insurance Papers, 2020 K-State Crop Insurance Workshop Presentations
 the faculty in the Charles. H. Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management at Cornell University. I’m developing a KS‐focused research, extension, and teaching program in agricultural policy. I previously led crop insurance extension activities for NY state and have conducted research on crop insurance and credit access, conservation practices, and marketing contracts. Outline • …
January 13, 2022 Agribusiness Papers
Department of Agricultural Economics Kansas State University … Department of Agricultural Economics Kansas State University …
October 9, 2023 Prices and Price Forecasts
Department of Agricultural Economics email: 1 … anhydrous ammonia fertilizer. Economic theory tells us that higher …
January 31, 2024 Prices and Price Forecasts
Department of Agricultural Economics email: 1 … anhydrous ammonia fertilizer. Economic theory tells us that higher …