
Displaying 21 - 30 of 1235
Breakout Sessions
profitable … 2013 Risk and Profit Conference Breakout Session … 16. Are the Most ProfitableFarms Consistently the MostProfitable? Gregg Ibendahl Greg …
August 1, 2017 Breakout Sessions
farm … 2017 Risk and Profit Conference Breakout Session … Session Presenters 6. FarmProfitability Persistence and Key Characteristics …
April 29, 2020 Grain Market Outlook
g e U.S. Corn Market Analysis Kansas State University … crop” 2020/21 marketing year is whether recent COVID-19 … perceived quality, advertising, income, confidence of consumers …
September 4, 2017 Section 7: Interpreting Financial Statement Results
financial performance of a farm business. However, they should … and should be done. Whole farm financial ratioanalysis is most useful benchmarking … can vary tremendously from year to …
financial performance of a farm business. However, they should … and should be done. Whole farm financial ratioanalysis is most useful benchmarking … can vary tremendously from year to …
October 1, 2001 Financial Management
farming … individual companies used in this analysis, and for taking the lead … publications. 1 Risk and Reward: How do Farm Returns Stack Up? – ShouldFarmManagers Invest in the Stock Market? December …
August 1, 2023 Breakout Sessions
10 … KOHMAN & CHELSEA PLUMMERKANSAS FARMMANAGEMENT ASSOCIATION Agricultural … Economics Presentation Background Data Used Data Analysis Observations Questions Agricultural …
May 24, 2021 KFMA Research, Family Living Expenses - Articles
analysis … twitter: @ibendahl An Analysis of Family Living in Kansas … paper updates a previous analysis offarm family living expenses published …
February 25, 2019 Research Papers and Presentations
farm … 2019.5 What Makes A Top Farm? - Overview Gregg Ibendahl … Terry Griffin Introduction Farming is a complicated business …
June 3, 2024 Recent Videos
farm … ricultural Economics Kansas FarmManagement Association –2023NetFarm