
Displaying 191 - 200 of 3291
July 1, 2015 Risk Management Strategies
ersity Department Of Agricultural Economics Extension Publication 07/01/2015                           WRITTEN BY: ART BARNABY                                         …   Art Barnaby (   Kansas State University Department of Agricultural Economics ‐ June 2015‐Calc.pdf       Dear …
December 15, 2017
180.50$                Crop Residue 15.00$              … 43.00$                   Other Livestock Breeding/Marketing 22.00$                   Utilities,Gas, Fuel, Oil … 297.65)$              Publication: AM‐FMG‐CowCalf Kansas State University, Department of Agricultural Economics ‐  KSU Beef Cow‐Calf Budget …
Other Material
acre) $19.22 $21.14 Current price *1.10 Crop Residue ($/acre) $15.00 $16.50 Current … acres for feeding period Crop Residue Grazing 2.0 total … Grazing 2.0 total acres per year Crop Residue 0.0 total acres for …
December 28, 2021 2022 Livestock Budgets, Beef Cattle
acre) 20.5 22.55 Current price *1.10 Crop Residue ($/acre) 16 17.600000000000001 Current … acres for feeding period Crop Residue Grazing 2.0 total … Grazing 2.0 total acres per year Crop Residue 0.0 total acres for …
September 7, 2016
acre) $19.22 $21.14 Current price *1.10 Crop Residue ($/acre) $15.00 $16.50 Current … acres for feeding period Crop Residue Grazing 2.0 total … Grazing 2.0 total acres per year Crop Residue 0.0 total acres for …
September 7, 2017
acre) $20.00 $22.00 Current price *1.10 Crop Residue ($/acre) $15.00 $16.50 Current … acres for feeding period Crop Residue Grazing 2.0 total … Grazing 2.0 total acres per year Crop Residue 0.0 total acres for …
December 19, 2018
acre) $19.00 $20.90 Current price *1.10 Crop Residue ($/acre) $15.00 $16.50 Current … acres for feeding period Crop Residue Grazing 2.0 total … Grazing 2.0 total acres per year Crop Residue 0.0 total acres for …
December 18, 2019
acre) $20.00 $22.00 Current price *1.10 Crop Residue ($/acre) $15.00 $16.50 Current … acres for feeding period Crop Residue Grazing 2.0 total … Grazing 2.0 total acres per year Crop Residue 0.0 total acres for …
December 14, 2020
acre) $20.00 $22.00 Current price *1.10 Crop Residue ($/acre) $15.00 $16.50 Current … acres for feeding period Crop Residue Grazing 2.0 total … Grazing 2.0 total acres per year Crop Residue 0.0 total acres for …
December 16, 2022 2023 Livestock Budgets
acre) $21.00 $23.10 Current price *1.10 Crop Residue ($/acre) $15.00 $16.50 Current … acres for feeding period Crop Residue Grazing 2.0 total … Grazing 2.0 total acres per year Crop Residue 0.0 total acres for …